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... sAPPs for SAP-BC

... sAPPs for SAP-FI

... sAPPs for SAP-MM

... sAPPs for SAP-SD


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You know the problem: Fa. Meyer, Fa. Meier, Fa. Mayer.
The vendor-numbers - perhaps one and the same company.
This example is barly simple.
It's getting more complex if name is added by special signs and abbreviations.
It's getting unclear with huge datas and anytime you are confronted with a big problem.
Our solution helps to make names and addresses sortable by a phonetic code to merge unisonous items.
Presented thereby are
- a lot of reasonable address- and communication datas
- last turnover activities
- last purchasing order
- lock- and deletion-flags
- pay conditions
over all company-codes by ALV-Grid.
HotKeys to vendor and last purchasing-order are self-evident.

Our solution is suitable only for german-speaking area!

... the one who asks, leads!