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Material Master Distribution

With MMD back on the right track

A lot of companies have the problem to synchronise material-master-data over diverse sales-organisations/plants.
The standard-Material-Master-Distribution is often insufficient to satisfy the different requirements of specific business-units.
Not only country-specific characteristics but different procurement- and distribution-properties as status-dependencies too force flexibility not even at synchronisation but turn out as causal problem already at rollout.
Scenarios with CATT-, LSMW-, IDOC- or session-technology are rarely smart solutions, require oversized maintenance- and monitoring-effort and can transfer obsolete datas by delayed data-import..
MMD solves all these problems.
MMD creates and synchronises material-master-data just in time – and all this without overhead.
An effective customer-enhancement of views for selective release of special materials in one or more sales-organisations (simple checkbox) as mass-rollout of whole units are absolutly no problem for MMD.
The Material-Masterdata-Synchronisation of all attending business-units runs fully automated.

There's more to it than that.

Products to sell use btw.

- Quotations (Info-records, ME11)
- Prices (Condition-records, VK11)
- leagl records (VX01N)
- BOM-components for modules in receiving plant (MM01 for D- and L-view)
- Plant assignments for BOMs (CS07)
- Source list entries (ME01)

MMD calls this functions subsequent processes.
If e.g. the material-rollout (MM01) is basic-process functions as ME11 and VK11 are depending subsequent processes as ME01 (source list entry) is a depending subsequent process of ME11 again.
The definition of this process-chain is user-defined extendable.
The performance of whole process-scenario is controlled by a monitor as all executed processes can be logged optional.
Furthermore the successful execution of processes can be optional and individual communicated with detailed information by eMail and/or SAP-Office.

Company-specific indentity requires indivual concepts and solutions.

MDM demands not a general standard-solution but is the demand for a concept for the solution for the individual standard.

MMD – inspirational technology

Material Master Distribution

... the one who asks, leads!