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Translated & titled SAP®-BADIs beginning with ...:  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X

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BADI                           Title                                                             .

MAPPING_ACCOUNT_ASSIGNM_CO     Mapping for the Account Assignment Manager                        .
MAPPING_RUNTIME                XI: Connection of Partner Mapping Runtime                         .
MASS_MNT_USER_EXIT             User exits for mass maintenance                                   .
MATGRP_HIERARCHY_UPD           BAdI for Article Hierarchy                                        .
MAT_SELECTION_CK               Changing material settings during selection step in Costing       .
MAT_UPLOAD_DATA                Influence User-Defined Data in the Upload                         .
MAT_UPLOAD_SAVE_IDOC           Transfer User-Defined Data from BAPI Structures to IDOC           .
MBP_ADD_LIST_FIELDS            Additional Fields in Market Basket Calculation in Pricing         .
MB_BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE        Enhancement BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE                                  .
MB_BATCH_MASTER                Setting of Batch Data on Goods Movement                           .
MB_CHECK_LINE_BADI             BAdI: Check Line Before Copying to the Blocking Tables            .
MB_CIN_LMBMBU04                posting of gr                                                     .
MB_CIN_MM07MFB7                BAdI for India Version exit in include MM07MFB7                   .
MB_CIN_MM07MFB7_QTY            Proposal of quantity from Excise invoice in GR                    .
MB_CROSS_SYSTEM_CHECK_SAP      SAP Internal: Check Logical System for CSFG                       .
MB_DOCUMENT_BADI               BAdIs During Creation of a Material Document                      .
MB_DOCUMENT_UPDATE             BADI when updating material document: MSEG and MKPF               .
MB_MIGO_BADI                   BAdI in MIGO for External Detail Subscreens                       .
MB_MIGO_ITEM_BADI              BAdI in MIGO for Changing Item Data                               .
MB_RESERVATION_BADI            MB21/MB22: Check and Complete Dialog Data                         .
MB_RES_BAPI_CREATE1            BAdI: Adoption of Customer's Own Fields as Reserv. Fields         .
MB_RES_BAPI_DETAIL1            BAdI: Display of Customer's Own Fields in Reservations            .
MB_STOR_LOC_BADI_GTS           BADI to Check and Change Storage Location (GTS Fct. Only)         .
MCEX                           Customizing Cockpit Enhancements                                  .
MCEX_45_CDLST_ADDON            Add-On Data for Customer Settlement                               .
MCEX_45_CWB_ADDON              BW Update Complaints                                              .
MCEX_45_ITM_ADDON              Add-On Data Item Extractor                                        .
MCEX_45_PDLST_ADDON            Add-On Data for Posting Lists                                     .
MCEX_45_VDLST_ADDON            Add-On Data Document Data Vendor Side                             .
MCEX_AB_DATA_ENHANCE           Agency Business: Data Derivation                                  .
MDATA_TEMPLATE_TEST            Execute Master Data Template in Test Mode                         .
MDC_SUBSCR_ACL                 Log Measurement Document Customer Subscreen                       .
MDM_BUPA_INBOUND               Exit for Inbound of Customer/Vendor                               .
MDOC_ACTION_ACL                Follow-up action on meas. document action (cl_meas_doc_acl)       .
MDS_CTRL_ACT_CHECK             Additional Checks for Maintenance View MDSV_CTRL_OPT_A            .
MDS_CTRL_PPO                   Post-Processing Office Call from the Controller                   .
MD_ADD_COL_EZPS                BAdI: Extra Columns for Evaluation PP-MRP Reqmnts Planning        .
MD_ADD_COL_OVERVIEW            BAdI: Display of Additional Columns in the Material Overview      .
MD_ADD_ELEMENTS                BAdI for Adding Additional Requirements/Receipts                  .
MD_CHANGE_CALENDAR             BAdI: Change Calendar for Range of Coverage Calculation           .
MD_CHANGE_MRP_DATA             BAdI: Change Data when Importing MDPSX                            .
MD_DISPLAY_ELEMENT             BAdI for Changing Display of MRP Elements                         .
MD_EXPORT_TREE                 Order Report: Export Contents of the Order Tree                   .
MD_EXT_SUP                     BAdI for Determining the Issuing Storage Location                 .
MD_INTERACT_PLANNING           BAdI for Deactivating Changeability of MRP Elements               .
MD_LAST_LOT_EXACT              BAdI for Calculating Last Lot Exactly in Individual Segment       .
MD_M61R_DELKZ_POPUP            Definition: Display data for MRP element (MD04)                   .
MD_M61R_EXT_REQS_TXT           Definition: Supplement data of MRP element for ext. reqmts.       .
MD_M61X_EXT_REQS_GET           Definition of selection of external rqmts in FuGr M61X            .
MD_MODIFY_PRODVERS             BAdI for Modifying Production Version                             .
MD_MODIFY_SOURCE               BAdI for Modifying Source Determination in MRP                    .
MD_MRP_LIST                    BADI for further processing of MRP list                           .
MD_MRP_PARAMETERS              BAdI: Change Planning Parameters                                  .
MD_MRP_RUN_PARALLEL            Add-Ins for parallel planning run of requirements planning        .
MD_PIR_FLEX_CONS               BAdI for flexible planned ind. req. consumption/reduction         .
MD_PLANNING_RESULT             BADI for Issuing Planning Result                                  .
MD_PLANNING_SCENARIO           BAdI for Maintenance of Add. Parameters in Planning Scenario      .
MD_PLDORD_BOMEX_CIF            BAdI: Deactivation of BOM Forced Explosion in CIF                 .
MD_PLDORD_CHANGE               BAdI for Changing Planned Orders                                  .
MD_PLDORD_POST                 BAdI: Update of Planned Orders                                    .
MD_PLDORD_SCHEDULING           BAdI: Schedule Planned Orders                                     .
MD_PLDORD_TIME_STAMP           BADI for publishing time stamp problems                           .
MD_PURREQ_CHANGE               BADI for changing purchase requisitions                           .
MD_PURREQ_POST                 BADI for updating purchase requisitions                           .
MD_PURREQ_REL_STRAT            BAdI for Deactivating Release Strategy for MRP Purch. Reqs        .
MD_STOCK_TRANSFER              BADI: Change the Requirement Date During Stock Transfer           .
MD_SUBCONT_LOGIC               BADI: Determine Subcontracting Logic                              .
ME59_EXCLUDE                   Check Purchase Requisition for ME59 Exclusion                     .
MEOUT_BAPI_CUST_01             BAdI for Customers in Function Group 2013 & 2014                  .
MEREP_RSLTHNDL2                SAP Mobile: BAdI definition for Result Handling                   .
MEREP_RUNTM_LD2                SAP Mobile: BAdI definition for Runtime Loader                    .
MESSAGES_RFW                   Badi for error handling RFW                                       .
METH_FOBU_CONNECTOR            Appl. Specific Functions for Formula Builder Method Implem.       .
METH_FOEV_CONNECTOR            Appl. Spec. Functions for FB Method Implementations               .
ME_ACTV_CANCEL_PO              BAdI for Activating the Cancel Function at Header Level           .
ME_ARCHIVE_ACTIVE              Determine whether new archiving is active                         .
ME_BADI_INFREC_ARCHIVING       BAdI for the Info Record Archiving                                .
ME_BAPI_PR_CUST                Business Add-In: BUS2105 for Customers                            .
ME_BAPI_PR_IBS                 Business Add-In: BUS2012 for IBS                                  .
ME_BSART_DET                   Change document type for automatically generated POs              .
ME_CATALOG_INTERFACE           BAdI in Interface Between ECC and CCM                             .
ME_CCP_BESWK_AUTH_CH           BAdI for authorization checks for procuring plant                 .
ME_CCP_DEL_DURATION            Calc. of Delivery Duration in CCP Process (Not in Standard)       .
ME_CHANGE_CHARACTER            Customer-Specific Characteristics for Product Allocation          .
ME_CHDOC_ACTIVE                Activation of Further Change Document Updates                     .
ME_CHECK_ALL_ITEMS             Run Through Items Again in the Event of Changes in EKKO           .
ME_CHECK_SOURCES               Additional Checks in Source Determination/Checking                .
ME_CIN_LEINRF2R                BADI for CIN India - Delivery charges                             .
ME_CIN_LEINRF2V                BADI for LEINRF03 excise_invoice_details                          .
ME_CIN_MM06EFKO                Copy PO data for use by Country version India                     .
ME_CIP_ALLOW_CHANGE            Configuration in Purchasing: Changeability Control                .
ME_COMMITMENT_PLAN             BAdI for Commitment Plan for Contracts                            .
ME_COMMITMENT_RETURN           Commitment for return item                                        .
ME_COMMITMENT_STO_CH           BadI for checking if commitments for STOs are active              .
ME_COMMTMNT_PO_REL_C           Check for Commitment-Relevance of Purchase Orders                 .
ME_COMMTMNT_REQ_RE_C           Check of Commitment Relevance of Purchase Requisitions            .
ME_DEFINE_CALCTYPE             Control of Pricing Type: Additional Fields                        .
ME_DELIVERY_TIME_VARIANCE_I    Change in Delivery Time Variance                                  .
ME_DOC_FOLLOW_ON_PROCESS       BAdI to Change Data Prior to Transfer to Follow-On Processes      .
ME_GUI_PO_CUST                 Customer's Own Screens in Enjoy Purchase Order                    .
ME_HOLD_PO                     Hold Enjoy Purchase Orders: Activation/Deactivation               .
ME_INFOREC_CHG_SCHEDULING_DATA BAdI for Modifying the Info Record Scheduling Data                .
ME_ME88_CQ_RESET               Cumulative Quantity Reset (TA ME88): Reset quantitiy determination.
ME_OUTBOUND_SAVED              Outbound message saved                                            .
ME_PIC_MODIFY_DFPS             Changing of Data for Product Replacement, Specifically for DFPS   .
ME_PIC_STO_EXTEND              Enhance/Modify PIC for Stock Transport Orders                     .
ME_POHIST_DISP                 SAP-Internal: Adjust PO History Display                           .
ME_POHIST_DISP_CUST            Adjustment of PO History Display (Customer)                       .
ME_POST_HISTORY                BADI for FB ME_POST_HISTORY (Triggering of Follow-On Action)      .
ME_PO_PRICING_CUST             Enhancements to Price Determination: Customer                     .
ME_PO_SC_SRV                   BAdI: Service Tab Page for Subcontracting                         .
ME_PROCESS_COMP                Processing of Component Default Data at Time of GR: Customer      .
ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST             Enhancements for Processing Enjoy Purchase Order: Customer        .
ME_PROCESS_PROCDOC_IS          UI Enhancements for Processing of Purchasing Documents: Internal  .
ME_PROCESS_REQ_CUST            Enhancements for Processing Enjoy PReqs: Customer                 .
ME_PURCHDOC_POSTED             Purchasing Document Posted                                        .
ME_RELEASE_CREATE              BAdI: Release Creation for Sched.Agrmts with Release Docu.        .
ME_REQ_APPROVAL                Control of Buyer Approval After Changes to PReq Item              .
ME_REQ_ATP_CHECK               Check ATP in purchase requisition?                                .
ME_REQ_HEADER_TEXT             Copy Header Text: Enjoy Purchase Requisition                      .
ME_REQ_NEW_VERSION             Trigger new purchase requisition version                          .
ME_REQ_OI_EXT                  Commitment Update in the Case of External Requisitions            .
ME_REQ_POSTED                  Purchase Requisition Posted                                       .
ME_SUBITEM_FIELDSTATUS         BAdI to Control Special Field Statuses of Certain Items           .
ME_TAX_FROM_ADDRESS            Tax jurisdiction code taken from address                          .
ME_TRIGGER_ATP                 Triggers New ATP for Changes in EKKO, EKPO, EKPV                  .
MGMT_DEVICENAME_GEN            Generation of speakable Devicenames                               .
MGMT_DEV_HISTORY               Device Management - Edit History values                           .
MGW_MTRX_MAINTENANCE           BAdI for General Matrix Maintenance in the Article Master         .
MGW_PICTURE                    BAdI Image Processing                                             .
MGW_PURCHPRICE_MATIX           BAdI for Purchasing Price Matrix in the Article Master            .
MGW_SALESPRICE_MATIX           BAdI doe Sales Price Matrix in the Article Master                 .
MG_MASS_NEWSEG                 User-Specific Fields & Segments in Mass Maintenance               .
MIGRATED_CCA_CARDS             Migrated Credit Card Data CCARD -" PCA_MASTER                     .
MIGRATED_CC_CARDS              These cards are migrated -- called at the end of every block      .
MILL_BEFORE_BATCH_CL           Mill Addin: Before Batch Classification at Goods Receipt          .
MILL_CLMMBE_ADDIN1             Addin for Implementation of Further Function Codes                .
MILL_CUT_ADDIN1                Addin for Cutting Processing                                      .
MILL_CUT_ADDIN2                Cutting Stock Transfer: Further Enhancements                      .
MILL_PC_CHG_CLSF               Change / Calculate on the Basis of Charact. Classification        .
MILL_PC_CLSF_PRE               Copy Characteristics from preceding batch to PB                   .
MILL_REF_CHAR_PURCH            ADDIN for Reference Characteristics in Purchasing                 .
MILL_SOLL_IST_COMP             Tolerance Value Assignment for Target-Actual Comparison           .
MIXED_PP_QUANTITIES            Sales Pricing: Defaulting Vendor Mixed Price Factors              .
MIXSHOPDATA_E                  BAdI to Merge Shop Data                                           .
MI_AUTH_RFC_001                Edit RFC destinations to determine authorization                  .
MM4X_CHARVAL_CHECK_E           Check Characteristic Values Entered in Material Maintenance       .
MM4X_PARENT_NODE_E             Material Master: Integration with Material Hierarchy              .
MMSRV_ACC_SPLIT_SAP            MM SRV: Splitting Tool                                            .
MMSRV_SM_ARCHIVE               BAdI: Service Master Check Prior to Archiving                     .
MMSRV_SM_BAPI_CUST             BAdI: Service Master: Modification of BAPI Interfaces             .
MMSRV_SM_MAIN                  BAdI: Enhancement of Service Master                               .
MMSRV_SM_NOTIFY                BAdI: Create Notification/Change Service Master                   .
MM_EDI_DESADV_IN               Supplementation of Delivery Interface from Purchase Order         .
MM_PRIO_ORG                    Organizational Priority for Requirement Prioritization            .
MPA_EXIT                       Exit for action upon receipt of push message reply                .
MPKC_REQ_SELECTION             BAdI for Requirements Selection for Kanban Calculation            .
MRM_ERS_HDAT_MODIFY            BAdI to Change Document Header Data in ERS                        .
MRM_ERS_IDAT_MODIFY            BAdI to Change Document Lines in ERS                              .
MRM_HEADER_CHECK               BAdI for Additional Checks of the Document Header Data            .
MRM_HEADER_DEFAULT             BAdI for Additional Checks of the Document Header Data            .
MRM_INVOICE_UPDATE             BAdI: Checks When Saving and Deleting Invoices                    .
MRM_ITEM_CUSTFIELDS            BAdI to Change Customer's Own Fields                              .
MRM_MRIS_HDAT_MODIFY           BAdI for Changing Document Header Data for Invoicing Plan         .
MRM_MRIS_IDAT_MODIFY           BAdI for Changing Document Lines for Invoicing Plan               .
MRM_MRKO_HDAT_MODIFY           BAdI for Changing Vendor and Document Type for Consignment        .
MRM_PAYMENT_TERMS              BAdI for setting the terms of payment                             .
MRM_RELEASE_CHECK              BAdI for Additional Checks Before Invoices are Released           .
MRM_TOLERANCE_GROUP            BAdI for setting the vendor-specific tolerance group              .
MRM_TRANSACT_DEFAULT           BAdI for preassigning various transaction fields                  .
MRM_UDC_DISTRIBUTE             BAdI for distributing unplanned delivery costs                    .
MRM_VARIANCE_TYPE              BAdI to Change the Variance Type                                  .
MRM_WT_SPLIT_UPDATE            BAdI for Changing Withholding Tax and Amount Split                .
MRO_CONTRACT                   Inspection of Contract                                            .
MR_CIN_LMR1MI2G                BAdI for India Version exit in include LMR1MI2G                   .
MR_CIN_LMR1MI2G_SEL            BAdi in LIV for determining line selection                        .
MR_CIN_MM08RFS0                BAdI for carrying excise duty to carry invoice verfication        .
MR_CIN_MM08RFX0                BADi for CVD in MRHR                                              .
MR_CIN_RMMR01RS                BADI in ERS                                                       .
MSI_MATGRP_TO_PCH_MAPPING      Mapping: Material Groups to Product Category Hierarchy            .
MSI_MATTYP_TO_PCH_MAPPING      Mapping: Material Types to Product Category Hierarchy             .
MSI_SERVTYP_TO_PCH_MAPPING     Mapping: Service Types to Product Category Hierarchy              .
MURC_MRP_DOC_BADI              BAdI for FM MURC_GET_MRP_DOCUMENT_DATA                            .
MURC_REPLACE_ERFME             Check for Clarity of Quantity Conversion with Product UoM         .
MX_VAT_REPORTS                 Mexico : VAT reports A1 and B1                                    .
MYOBJ_CATS_UNAME               myObjects for CATS Worklist: UserNames from PERNR + SY-UNAME      .
*** End-of-List ***
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