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Translated & titled SAP®-Classes beginning with ...:  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X

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Explanation for column T (Classtype):
C = Class, I = Interface
Object Type Name    T Component name           Title                                          .

LCL_LE_BADI_MANAGER C SET_SHIPMENT_DATA        Transfer data from tables to complex data types.
LCL_MPD_SEARCH      C MPD_DOCU_SEARCH          MPD: Document Search Method                    .
LCL_MPD_SEARCH      C MPD_EQUI_SEARCH          MPD: Equipment Search Method                   .
LCL_MPD_SEARCH      C MPD_FLOC_SEARCH          MPD: Functional Location  Search Method        .
LCL_MPD_SEARCH      C MPD_MPLN_SEARCH          MPD: Maintenance Plan Search Method            .
LCL_MPD_SEARCH      C MPD_SEARCH               MPD: Export Search Results                     .
LCL_MPD_SEARCH      C MPD_TLST_SEARCH          MPD: Task List  Search Method                  .
LC_TREE_EVENTS      C HANDLE_NODE_DOUBLE_CLICK Handle Double-Click on Tree Node               .
LIS_IF              C LIS_GET_SYSTEM_LIST      Get current system list                        .
LIS_IF              C LIS_GET_SYS_PRODUCT_INFO Get system product information                 .
*** End-of-List ***
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last update: Sun, 21/03/10 13:52:11
