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Report                         Title                                                                 .

DAT_INIT_TRSTI                 Initializes Report-Report Interface for CO-OM-OPA                     .
DA_ARCDEL_DA_SARA              Cross-Archiving-Object Check/Delete                                   .
DA_BC_SBOOK_PHY_DELETE         Program DA_EXAMPLE_PHY_DELETE                                         .
DA_BC_SBOOK_PREPROCESS         Program DA_BC_SFLIGHT_PREPROCESS                                      .
DA_BC_SFLIGHT_PHY_DELETE       Program DA_EXAMPLE_PHY_DELETE                                         .
DA_BC_SFLIGHT_PREPROCESS       Program DA_BC_SFLIGHT_PREPROCESS                                      .
DA_EXAMPLE_PHY_DELETE          Program DA_EXAMPLE_PHY_DELETE                                         .
DA_EXAMPLE_PREPROCESS          Preselection Program for Archiving Object Example                     .
DA_STAT_ANALYSIS               Analysis of Data Archiving Statistics                                 .
DB2_DBCONINFO                  Program DB2_DBCONINFO                                                 .
DBCFK001                       Logical Database for CF001                                            .
DBCFKNNN                       Logical Database for CFNNN                                            .
DBCONINFO                      Database Connection Information                                       .
DBINTERNALINFO                 Database Interface Module Statistics (internal)                       .
DBPAPGMC                       Generator for MC Access Paths of LDB PNP                              .
DBPNPGMC                       Generator for Selection Methods for Search Helps for LDB PNP and PNPCE.
DB_CONTAINER_UTIL              Program for Processing Database Container Information                 .
DDDBGEN                        Tataf enhancement                                                     .
DD_ADD_FORM_BUTTON             Buttons on Forms of Dynamic Documents                                 .
DD_ADD_FORM_INPUT              Dynamic Documents, Interactive Elements: Forms with Buttons           .
DD_ADD_LINK                    Dynamic Documents, Interactive Elements: Links                        .
DD_ADD_LINK_SCROLLED           Dynamic Documents, Interactive Elements: Links                        .
DD_ADD_PICTURE                 Display of SAP icons and pictures stored in the BDS                   .
DD_ADD_TABLE                   Tables in Dynamic Documents                                           .
DD_ADD_TEXT                    Text output in dynamic documents                                      .
DD_ALV_FREE_TOP                ALV use with definable page header                                    .
DD_ALV_STANDARD_TOP            ALV use with standard page header (REUSE_ALV_COMMENTARY_WRITE)        .
DD_CORRECT_TYPD_TRDIR          DDIC: Correct SUBC Entries for Type Groups                            .
DD_F4_START_INDX               Starts indexing to synchronize an external index                      .
DD_KH_KONTEXT                  Display online docu (HTML Browser) for a context                      .
DD_SPLIT_DOCUMENT              Distribution of areas on dynamic documents                            .
DD_STYLE_TABLE                 Style types and list colours for dynamic documents, print             .
DELETE_ASSIGNMENTS_OF_TADIROBJ Delete classifications of deleted TADIR-objects                       .
DELETE_IMPL                    Delete all implementations of ENHO name from table GBADI_IMPL         .
DELETE_USELOG                  FETCH_USELOG Program                                                  .
DELS110                        Auxiliary Program to Delete Data from S110                            .
DEL_SIM_ORD                    Simulation Order: Delete                                              .
DEMOGFWBW                      Test report for the GFW network (net)                                 .
DEMO_ABAP_OBJECTS              Complete Demonstration for ABAP Objects                               .
DEMO_ABAP_OBJECTS_CONTROLS     GUI Controls on Screen                                                .
DEMO_ABAP_OBJECTS_DIALOG_BOX   Splitter Control for Screen with Dialog Box                           .
DEMO_ABAP_OBJECTS_GENERAL      ABAP Objects Demonstration                                            .
DEMO_ABAP_OBJECTS_METHODS      Demonstration of Methods in ABAP Objects                              .
DEMO_ABAP_OBJECTS_SPLIT_SCREEN Splitter Control on Screen                                            .
DEMO_AT_SELECTION_ON_BLOCK     Demonstration for Block Processing on Selection Screen                .
DEMO_AT_SELECTION_ON_END       Demonstration for Multiple Selection Processing                       .
DEMO_AT_SELECTION_ON_RADIO     Demonstration of Radio Button Processing on a Selection Screen        .
DEMO_AT_SELECTION_SCREEN       Demonstration of the Basic Form of AT SELECTION-SCREEN                .
DEMO_AT_SELECTION_SCREEN_PBO   Demonstration for PBO of a Selection Screen                           .
DEMO_AUTHORITY_CHECK           Checking Authorizations                                               .
DEMO_CALL_SCREEN_FROM_LIST     Calling a Screen from List Processing                                 .
DEMO_CALL_SELECTION_SCREEN     Calling User-Defined Selection Screens                                .
DEMO_CALL_STANDARD_SEL_SCREEN  Calling Standard Selection Screens                                    .
DEMO_COLORSEL                  Demo program: Color selector                                          .
DEMO_CUSTOM_CONTROL            Control Framework                                                     .
DEMO_DATA_PROCESS_EXTRACT      Formatting Data Using Extracts                                        .
DEMO_DATA_PROCESS_INT_TABLES_1 Formatting Data Using Flat Internal Tables                            .
DEMO_DATA_PROCESS_INT_TABLES_2 Formatting Data Using Nested Internal Tables                          .
DEMO_DROPDOWN_LIST_BOX         Program                                                               .
DEMO_DYNPRO                    Program S_SCREEN_PAINTER_DEMO                                         .
DEMO_DYNPROS_AND_LISTS         List Systems                                                          .
DEMO_DYNPRO_AT_EXIT_COMMAND    Demonstration of Conditional Module Execution                         .
DEMO_DYNPRO_AUTOMATIC_CHECKS   Demonstration of Automatic Entry Checks on Screens                    .
DEMO_DYNPRO_CHECK_RADIO        Checkboxes and Radio Buttons                                          .
DEMO_DYNPRO_CONTEXT_MENU       Context Menus on Screens                                              .
DEMO_DYNPRO_DICTIONARY         Demonstration for Screen Fields with Dictionary Reference             .
DEMO_DYNPRO_DROPDOWN_LISTBOX   Demonstration of Dropdown List Boxes on Screens                       .
DEMO_DYNPRO_F1_HELP            Demonstration of F1 Help on Screens                                   .
DEMO_DYNPRO_F4_HELP_DICTIONARY Demonstration for F4 Help from the ABAP Dictionary on Screens         .
DEMO_DYNPRO_F4_HELP_DYNPRO     Demonstration for F4 Help on Screens                                  .
DEMO_DYNPRO_F4_HELP_MODULE     Demonstration for F4 Help from Dialog Modules                         .
DEMO_DYNPRO_FIELD              Demonstration of FIELD on Screens                                     .
DEMO_DYNPRO_FIELD_CHAIN        Demonstration for Input Checks in ABAP Programs                       .
DEMO_DYNPRO_GET_CURSOR         Demonstration for GET CURSOR on a Screen                              .
DEMO_DYNPRO_GUI_STATUS         Demonstration of GUI Status on Screens                                .
DEMO_DYNPRO_INPUT_OUTPUT       Demonstration of Input and Output Fields on Screens                   .
DEMO_DYNPRO_MODIFY_SCREEN      Demonstration of Dynamic Screen Modifications                         .
DEMO_DYNPRO_MODIFY_SIMPLE      Demonstration for Screen Modifications                                .
DEMO_DYNPRO_MODULE             Demonstration of a Simple Module Call                                 .
DEMO_DYNPRO_ON_CONDITION       Demonstration for Conditional Module Calls on Screens                 .
DEMO_DYNPRO_PUSH_BUTTON        Demonstration for Pushbuttons on Screens                              .
DEMO_DYNPRO_SET_CURSOR         Demonstration for Cursor Position                                     .
DEMO_DYNPRO_SET_HOLD_DATA      Demonstration for Hold Data                                           .
DEMO_DYNPRO_STATUS_ICONS       Demonstration for Status Icons                                        .
DEMO_DYNPRO_STEP_LOOP          Step Loop                                                             .
DEMO_DYNPRO_STRINGS            Connecting Strings to Screen Fields                                   .
DEMO_DYNPRO_SUBSCREENS         Subscreens                                                            .
DEMO_DYNPRO_TABCONT_LOOP       Table Control with LOOP - ENDLOOP                                     .
DEMO_DYNPRO_TABCONT_LOOP_AT    Table Control with LOOP AT ITAB                                       .
DEMO_DYNPRO_TABLE_CONTROL_1    Table Control with LOOP Statement                                     .
DEMO_DYNPRO_TABLE_CONTROL_2    Table Control with LOOP AT ITAB                                       .
DEMO_DYNPRO_TABSTRIP_LOCAL     Tabstrip Control - Scrolling at SAPgui                                .
DEMO_DYNPRO_TABSTRIP_SERVER    Tabstrip Control - Scrolling at Application Server                    .
DEMO_DYNPRO_VALUE_SELECT       Demonstration of Input Checks in the Flow Logic                       .
DEMO_ESD_EDITOR_REUSE_FRAME    Demo Program for ESD Editor Reuse Framework                           .
DEMO_EXTRACT_EXTRACT           Filling an Extract with Data                                          .
DEMO_EXTRACT_FIELD_GROUPS      Defining an Extract                                                   .
DEMO_EXTRACT_LOOP              Reading an Extract                                                    .
DEMO_EXTRACT_SORT              Sorting an Extract                                                    .
DEMO_GFW_PRES_SHOW             Example for the Function Module GFW_PRES_SHOW                         .
DEMO_GFW_PRES_SHOW_MULT        Example for the Function Module GFW_PRES_SHOW_MULT                    .
DEMO_GFW_SHOW1                 Demonstration of GFW Function Modules in Splitter                     .
DEMO_HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS         Handling Class-Based Exceptions                                       .
DEMO_HELLO_WORLD               The ABAP "Hello World" Program                                        .
DEMO_JAVA_SCRIPT_MINI_EDITOR   Program                                                               .
DEMO_LEAVE_TO_LIST_PROCESSING  Calling Lists from Screens                                            .
DEMO_LIST_DRAGNDROP_CONTROL    Demo program for Drag & Drop on interactive lists. (ABAP-Lists). .    .
DEMO_LIST_DRAGNDROP_CONTROL2   Demo program for Drag & Drop on interactive lists. (ABAP-Lists). .    .
DEMO_LIST_FORMAT_COLOR_2       Using Colors in Lists                                                 .
DEMO_LIST_GRID                 Programming Grid Lines                                                .
DEMO_LIST_HIDE                 The HIDE Technique                                                    .
DEMO_LIST_OUTPUT               Program                                                               .
DEMO_LIST_PRINT_1              Execute and Print                                                     .
DEMO_LIST_PRINT_CONTROL        Defining the Print Format                                             .
DEMO_LIST_PRINT_CONTROL_2      Indexing Printed Lists for Optical Archiving                          .
DEMO_LIST_READ_LINE            Reading Lines from Lists                                              .
DEMO_LIST_SET_MARGIN           Setting the Left-Hand and Top Edges                                   .
DEMO_LOGICAL_DATABASE          Calling Logical Databases Using a Function Module                     .
DEMO_LOGICAL_EXPR_SELTAB_1     Demonstration for Selection Criteria in Logical Expressions           .
DEMO_LOGICAL_EXPR_SELTAB_2     Demonstration for Selection Criteria in Logical Expressions           .
DEMO_LOG_EXPR_IN_SELTAB        Checking Selection Criteria                                           .
DEMO_MESSAGES                  Message Demonstration                                                 .
DEMO_MOD_TECH_FB_READ_SPFLI    Calling READ_SPFLI_INTO_TABLE                                         .
DEMO_MOD_TECH_FB_STRING_SPLIT  Calling Function Modules                                              .
DEMO_PICTURE_CONTROL           Program                                                               .
DEMO_PROGRAM_CALL_TRANSACTION  Passing Data Using SPA/GPA Parameters                                 .
DEMO_PROGRAM_CHECK_1           Leaving Event Blocks Using CHECK                                      .
DEMO_PROGRAM_CHECK_2           Leaving Event Blocks Using CHECK                                      .
DEMO_PROGRAM_END_OF_SELECTION  END-OF-SELECTION                                                      .
DEMO_PROGRAM_EXIT_1            Leaving Event Blocks Using EXIT                                       .
DEMO_PROGRAM_EXIT_2            Leaving Event Blocks Using EXIT                                       .
DEMO_PROGRAM_GET               GET                                                                   .
DEMO_PROGRAM_GET_LATE          GET ... LATE                                                          .
DEMO_PROGRAM_INITIALIZATION    INITIALIZATION                                                        .
DEMO_PROGRAM_READ_TABLES_1     Program Execution Without Logical Database                            .
DEMO_PROGRAM_READ_TABLES_2     Program Execution With Logical Database                               .
DEMO_PROGRAM_REJECT            Leaving a GET event block with REJECT                                 .
DEMO_PROGRAM_START_OF_SELECTIO START-OF-SELECTION                                                    .
DEMO_PROGRAM_STOP              Leaving Event Blocks Using STOP                                       .
DEMO_PROGRAM_SUBMIT_REP1       Program                                                               .
DEMO_REGEX_TOY                 Regular Expressions                                                   .
DEMO_SELECTION_SCREEN_BASIC    Functions of Parameters                                               .
DEMO_SELECTION_SCREEN_EVENTS   Selection Screen Events                                               .
DEMO_SELECTION_SCREEN_F1       F1 Help on the Selection Screen                                       .
DEMO_SELECTION_SCREEN_F4       F4 Help on the Selection Screen                                       .
DEMO_SELECTION_SCREEN_LDB_1    Demonstration for Selection Screen of a Logical Database              .
DEMO_SELECTION_SCREEN_LDB_2    Demonstration for Selection Screen of a Logical Database              .
DEMO_SELECT_DYNAMIC_CONDITIONS Dynamic Conditions                                                    .
DEMO_SELTAB_GET_EVENT          Demonstration for Selection Criteria in GET Events                    .
DEMO_SEL_SCREEN_AS_SUBSCREEN   Selection Screen as Subscreen                                         .
DEMO_SEL_SCREEN_BEG_OF_BLOCK   Element Blocks                                                        .
DEMO_SEL_SCREEN_BEG_OF_LINE_1  Several Elements in One Line                                          .
DEMO_SEL_SCREEN_BEG_OF_LINE_2  Several Elements in One Line                                          .
DEMO_SEL_SCREEN_FUNCTION_KEY   Pushbuttons in the Application Toolbar                                .
DEMO_SEL_SCREEN_IN_TABSTRIP    Selection Screen as Subscreen in Tabstrip                             .
DEMO_SEL_SCREEN_PARAMETERS_1   Functions of Parameters                                               .
DEMO_SEL_SCREEN_PARAMETERS_2   Dynamic Dictionary References                                         .
DEMO_SEL_SCREEN_PARAMETERS_3   Default Values for Parameters                                         .
DEMO_SEL_SCREEN_PARAMETERS_MCO Parameters with Search Help                                           .
DEMO_SEL_SCREEN_PARAMETERS_SPA SPA/GPA Parameters as Default Values                                  .
DEMO_SEL_SCREEN_PARAM_CHECK    Checking Input Values                                                 .
DEMO_SEL_SCREEN_PARAM_CHECKBOX Defining Checkboxes                                                   .
DEMO_SEL_SCREEN_PARAM_LOWER_CA Upper- and Lowercase for Parameters                                   .
DEMO_SEL_SCREEN_PARAM_MODIF    Modifying Input Fields                                                .
DEMO_SEL_SCREEN_PARAM_OBLIGATO Defining Mandatory Fields                                             .
DEMO_SEL_SCREEN_PARAM_RADIOB   Defining Radio Buttons                                                .
DEMO_SEL_SCREEN_PUSHBUTTON     Pushbuttons on the Selection Screen                                   .
DEMO_SEL_SCREEN_SELECT_COMMENT Spaces, Lines, and Comments                                           .
DEMO_SEL_SCREEN_SELECT_DEFAULT Default Values for Selection Criteria                                 .
DEMO_SEL_SCREEN_SELECT_LDB_1   Selection Criteria and Logical Databases                              .
DEMO_SEL_SCREEN_SELECT_LDB_2   Selection Criteria and Logical Databases                              .
DEMO_SEL_SCREEN_SELECT_NO_EXT  Restricting Input to One Line                                         .
DEMO_SEL_SCREEN_SELECT_NO_INT1 Restricting Input to Single Fields                                    .
DEMO_SEL_SCREEN_SELECT_NO_INT2 Restricting Input to Single Fields                                    .
DEMO_SEL_SCREEN_SELECT_OPTIONS Basic Form of Selection Criteria                                      .
DEMO_SEL_SCREEN_STANDARD_SEL_S Calling Standard Selection Screens                                    .
DEMO_SEL_SCREEN_STATUS         Modifying GUI Status                                                  .
DEMO_SEL_SCREEN_USER_COMMAND   Function Code for Checkboxes and Radio Buttons                        .
DEMO_SEL_SCREEN_VIS_LEN        Defining Visible Length                                               .
DEMO_SEL_SCREEN_WITH_SUBSCREEN Selection Screen with Subscreen                                       .
DEMO_SEL_SCREEN_WITH_TABSTRIP  Selection Screen with Tabstrips                                       .
DEMO_SPECIAL_TECH_GET_RUNT_DB  Measuring the Runtime of Database Access                              .
DEMO_TRANSACTION_ENQUEUE       Locking and Unlocking                                                 .
DEMO_WHERE_IN_SELTAB           Demonstration of Selection Table in the WHERE Clause                  .
DGCONVERT                      Converting Dangerous Goods Texts and Descriptions to Phrases          .
DGCPSUBMASSTATUSWRITE          EHS: Mark Change Pointers As Processed                                .
DGICN_CUST_HAZINDSUB           Program DGICN_CUST_HAZINDSUB                                          .
DGICN_HAZINDSUB                Program DGICN_HAZINDSUB                                               .
DGICN_IDENTIFIER               Program DGICN_IDENTIFIER                                              .
DGICN_NODG                     Program DGICN_HAZINDSUB_AND_NODG                                      .
DGICN_SYMBOLS_GENERATE         EHS-DG: Creating Symbol Entries for Dangerous Goods                   .
DGMASTERDELETE                 Deletion Report for Initial Filling or Initial Updating               .
DGPCN000                       DG-Mat: Conversion to Regulation-Dependent Customizing Tables         .
DGPCN063                       DG-Mat: Conversion of DG Regulations Table TDG63 to THM063            .
DGPCNCMD                       DG-Mat: Check Referential Integrity for Converted Customizing Tables  .
DGPCN_PROPSHIPNAME             DG: Convert Dangerous Goods Descriptions                              .
DGPDATCO                       DG Master: Filling from Specification Management                      .
DGPDATP1                       Transfer DG Masters with CATT DG_DATA_DGP1                            .
DGPDEPR                        Dangerous Goods: Delete Import Logs                                   .
DGPPHRACT                      DG: Activate Phrases                                                  .
DGPPHRCONV                     Report to Convert Text Patterns                                       .
DGPPUSHREP                     Send Dangerous Goods Master                                           .
DGPSHDG                        Dangerous Goods Master: Display with Descriptions                     .
DGPSHPK                        Dangerous Goods Packaging: Display with Descriptions                  .
DGPSHPKNEW                     Dangerous Goods Packaging: Display with Descriptions                  .
DGP_CONV_VALUE_FLG             Report for Converting Quantity Fields in the Dangerous Goods Master   .
DIACL_SELECTION                Logbook Selection                                                     .
DIACL_SELECTION_NEW            Logbook Selection                                                     .
DIMSPPB_BARCHART_DEMO1         Demo1: Displaying Data in the Barchart Control                        .
DIMSPPB_BARCHART_DEMO2         Demo2: Adding Custom Buttons to the Barchart Control Toolbar          .
DIMSPPB_BARCHART_DEMO3         Demo3: Event Handling with Bar Chart Control                          .
DIMSPPB_BARCHART_DEMO4         Demo4: Adding Context Menus to Bar Chart Control Objects              .
DIMSPPB_BARCHART_DEMO5         Demo5: Displaying Alerts on the Bar Chart Control                     .
DISPLAY_CFG_OF_A_VEHICLE       VMS: Display Configuration of a Vehicle (Report for Testing)          .
DISPLAY_COLLECTION             Program DISPLAY_COLLECTION                                            .
DISPLAY_COLLECTION_AS_LIST     Test                                                                  .
DISPLAY_COLLECTION_AS_TREE     Test                                                                  .
DISPLAY_WIP_LAR                Activity Types Value Flow Display                                     .
DISPLAY_WIP_OBJ_ML             Display WIP at Actual Costs                                           .
DIWPS_REV_D                    Revision Archiving: Delete Program                                    .
DIWPS_REV_ID                   Revision Archiving: Program for Deleting the Index                    .
DIWPS_REV_ORDER_CREATE         Order Creation for Revision                                           .
DIWPS_REV_PRE                  Revision Archiving: Preprocessing Program                             .
DIWPS_REV_R                    Revision Archiving: Read Program                                      .
DIWPS_REV_SEL                  Revision Selection                                                    .
DIWPS_REV_W                    Revision Archiving: Write Program                                     .
DIWPS_SLOT_SEL                 Planning Board Selection                                              .
DIWPS_TL_WHERE_USED_LIST       DI A&D: Where-Used-List for Task List                                 .
DIWP_SELFTEST                  Revision Planning                                                     .
DI_ACL_D                       Logbook archiving: Delete program                                     .
DI_ACL_ID                      Logbook archiving: Index delete program                               .
DI_ACL_R                       Logbook archiving: Read program                                       .
DI_ACL_W                       Logbook archiving: Write program                                      .
DI_AD_SUBCON_MOVETOSTOCK       Program DI_AD_SUBCON_MOVETOSTOCK                                      .
DI_RBDSE_PPE                   iPPE ALE Distribution                                                 .
DI_STOCK_DATA                  Defining a toolbar menu with default button                           .
DI_SUBCON_MONITOR_2            Subcontracting Monitor                                                .
DMCACBTC                       MWB: Access plan calculation in background                            .
DMCANTBC                       Report for Calling the Module DMC_ANALYZE_TABLE_COLUMNS in Batch      .
DMCDTL_CHANGE_SIZE_CAT         set size category to large for 'X' objects                            .
DMCDTL_IU_BUFFER_EXT           MWB-Upgrade: extract data from upgrade buffers                        .
DMCDTL_IU_EXPORT_CREATE        MWB-Upgrade: prepare export (create transports)                       .
DMCDTL_IU_EXPORT_START         MWB-Upgrade: start export from client 000                             .
DMCDTL_IU_IMPORT_START         MWB-Upgrade: Start Import into migrated client                        .
DMCDTL_IU_SP_DIFF_ANALYSE      MWB-Upgrade: analyze data for Support Package cifference              .
DMCDTL_IU_START_XPRAS          MWB-Upgrade: start XPRA program processing in migrated client         .
DMCDTL_MT_ACPLANS_CALC         Report deletes access plans and schedules jobs to create new ones     .
DMCDTL_MT_CONVOBJECTS_DEFINE   API: Create conversion objects of a mass transfer                     .
DMCDTL_MT_CONVOBJECTS_RESET    API: Delete the conversion objects of a mass transfer                 .
DMCDTL_MT_RT_GEN               API: Generate conversion objects of a mass transfer                   .
DMCDTL_PROJ_RESET              MWB: Delete project and all subsequent objects like subproject, etc   .
DMCDTL_SUBPROJ_RESET           MWB: Delete subproject and all subordinate objects                    .
DMCGUI0                        MWB: Create/edit conversion objects                                   .
DMCGUI1                        Editing Global/Installed Rules                                        .
DMCGUI2                        DMC: Editing/Maintaining Applications                                 .
DMCGUI3                        Management of Direct Input types                                      .
DMCIND01                       MWB: Create Index in Database                                         .
DMCPCBTC                       MWB: Start preliminary calculation in background                      .
DMCSCLST                       show MWB cluster data in the sender system                            .
DMC_ACPLAN_INIT_FLAGS          MWB: Initialization of Flags in Table DMC_ACS_PLAN_HDR                .
DMC_AC_PLAN_CALC               MWB: Tool for Calculating an Access Plan                              .
DMC_ADD_MWB_OBJECTS_TO_TR      Test: Add MWB transport objects to a transport order                  .
DMC_ALIGN_APPLICATION_SLO      MWB: Adapt Application R/3-R/3 Migration                              .
DMC_ANALYZE_DB_EX              Program DMC_ANALYZE_DB                                                .
DMC_ANALYZE_INTRANSP_FIELDS    MWB: Remote Analysis of Usage of Non-Transparent Fields               .
DMC_ANALYZE_TABLE_COLUMNS      MWB: Analysis of Table Column (Distinct Values and Their Occurrences) .
DMC_ASSIGN_COBJ_TO_MT          MWB: Assignment of Conversion Objects to a Mass Transfer              .
DMC_ASSIGN_DOMRULES            MWB: Assignment Proposal for Domain Rules (Mass Transfer)             .
DMC_BO_CHECK_DATA              MWB: Check of Business Object Data                                    .
DMC_BO_CREATE_CONV_OBJECT      MWB: Create conversion object out of business object information      .
DMC_CALL_OLC                   MWB: Call of an OLC                                                   .
DMC_CHECK_APPL_TABLES          MWB: RFC Check for Table Entries of a Pool of Tables                  .
DMC_CHECK_OBJ_EQUAL            MWB: Program for Checking Objects for Equality                        .
DMC_CLEANUP_USAGE              deletes MWB table entries that are not referenced                     .
DMC_COMPARE_DDIC_TIMESTAMP     MWB: compare DDIC timestamp in MWB and remote systems                 .
DMC_COUNT_TABLES_REMOTE_BTC    MWB: Table Counter - Framework Program for Batch Parallel Processing  .
DMC_COUNT_TABLE_ENTRIES        MWB: Administration Table Count Function                              .
DMC_COUNT_TABLE_ENTRIES_BTC    MWB: Table Counter - Framework Program for Batch Parallel Processing  .
DMC_CREATE_CLUSTER             Conversion: Create cluster for temporary data storage                 .
DMC_CREATE_INDEX               MWB: Maintenance of Database Index (local/remote)                     .
DMC_CREATE_PSEUDOCODE_DEF      MWB: Create a pseudocode definition                                   .
DMC_CU_ANALYZE                 Program DMC_CU_ANALYZE                                                .
DMC_CWB_CREATE_CONV_OBJECT     MWB: Create CWB conversion object(s)                                  .
DMC_CWB_MWB_INTERFACE          Interface for CWB-MWB Linkage                                         .
DMC_DELETE_FILE_INFO           MWB: Deletion of File Information for a Given Run ID                  .
DMC_DELETE_MIGRATED_TABLE_ROWS MWB: Call deletion function for transferred table entries             .
DMC_DELETE_TABLE_ROWS          MWB: Call deletion function for transferred table entries             .
DMC_DISP_ASSIGNED_RULES        DMC: Display of Rules for an Object                                   .
DMC_EXCHANGE_DOCUMNT_LINK_COPY Replace document link: replace original with copy                     .
DMC_EXEC_SCHEDULE_MANAGER_TASK MWB: Execute Schedule Manager Task                                    .
DMC_GENERATE_FILE_INTERFACE    Generate Runtime Objects                                              .
DMC_GET_AGGREGATED_RUNINFO     Report to store runtime data in table                                 .
DMC_GET_CONVOBJECT_BY_DOMAIN   MWB: Determine all conversion objects for a given domain/data element .
DMC_GET_TABLES_REMOTE          MWB: Remote Determination of Relevant Tables                          .
DMC_INIT_LOADED_FLAGS          MWB: Initializ. of All 'Loaded' Flags (MT_TABLES, ACPLAN, RUN INFO)   .
DMC_IU                         MWB Upgrade: Integrated Upgrade                                       .
DMC_IUC_BUFFER_EXT             MWB upgrade: extract data from buffer files                           .
DMC_IUC_CR_EXPORT              MWB upgrade: prepare export                                           .
DMC_IUC_FILL_UPG_TRANSPORTS    MWB Upgrade: Fills upgrade transports with content of the object list .
DMC_IUC_RDDPUT49               MWB Upgrade: Modified RDDPUT49                                        .
DMC_IUC_SP_DIFF                MWB upgrade: analyze data for Support Package difference              .
DMC_IUC_ST_EXPORT              MWB upgrade: start export                                             .
DMC_IUC_ST_IMPORT              MWB upgrade: Start import                                             .
DMC_IUX_ST_XPRA                MWB upgrade: Start XPRAs                                              .
DMC_IUX_XPRA_LOADER            MWB Upgrade: XPRA Load Program                                        .
DMC_IUX_XPRA_LOG_DISPLAY       MWB Upgrade: Program for Displaying XPRA Logs                         .
DMC_IUX_XPRA_STARTER           MWB Upgrade: Driver Program for Processing the XPRA Programs          .
DMC_IU_CHANGE_PLIST_STATUS     MWB - Integrated Upgrade: Set Change for Object Lists                 .
DMC_IU_DELETE_PLIST            MWB - Integrated Upgrade: Delete inactive object lists                .
DMC_IU_GET_TRKORR_OBJECTS      MWB - Integrated Upgrade: Read content of object lists                .
DMC_IU_GET_XPRA_LIST           MWB - Integrated Upgrade: Get XPRAs from buffer                       .
DMC_IU_SET_UPGTR_STATUS        MWB - Integrated Upgrade: Status Change for Upgrade Transports        .
DMC_IU_SHOW_PROTOCOLS          MWB - Integrated Upgrade: Log Overview                                .
DMC_JOBS_CREATE                MWB: Schedule conversion objects in batch (mass transfer)             .
DMC_LIST_ACTIVITY_RECORDS      List of activity records                                              .
DMC_MONITOR                    MWB: Administration of Transfers                                      .
DMC_MT_CHANGE_READING_TYPE     Change the reading type for selected objects of a mass transfer       .
DMC_MT_CHECK_FIELDMAPPING      MWB: DDIC Synchronization and Check of Field Relationships            .
DMC_MT_CLUSTER_DELETE          For a mass transfer & access pl., delete cluster data in sender system.
DMC_MT_COUNT_TABLES            MWB: Table Count for a Mass Transfer                                  .
DMC_MT_COUNT_TABLES_ANALYSE    MWB: Analysis of Results of Table Counting                            .
DMC_MT_DBSIZE_CALC             Calculate storage size needed in receiver system for mass transfer    .
DMC_MT_DEFINITION              MWB: Tool for Defining All Conversion Objects of a Mass Processing    .
DMC_MT_DELETE                  MWB: Tool for Deleting All Conversion Objects of a Mass Transfer      .
DMC_MT_FLAG_RESET              MWB: Reset indicator of table DMC_MT_TABLES                           .
DMC_MT_GENERATION              MWB: Tool for generating the runtime objects for a mass transfer      .
DMC_MT_PREC_ACP_CALCULATION    MWB: Calculate all precalculations and access plans of a mass transfer.
DMC_MT_RT_DELETE               Delete conversion objects of a mass transfer                          .
DMC_MT_STARTER_BATCH           MWB: Mass transfer start                                              .
DMC_MT_TABLES_ASSIGN_SEQNUM    MWB: Define load sequencing for a mass transfer                       .
DMC_MT_TABLES_LOAD             MWB: Load table DMC_MT_TABLES                                         .
DMC_MT_TABLES_SET_SEQNUM       MWB: Create loading sequence for mass processing                      .
DMC_MT_TABLES_TARGET_LOAD      MWB: Load diffing table mappings in DMC_MT_TABLES                     .
DMC_MT_TRACK_PROGRESS          MWB: Mass Transfer Performance Tracking                               .
DMC_MT_TRACK_UPDATE            MWB: Mass Transfer Perfromance Tracking (Data Provider)               .
DMC_OBJECT_COPY                Copy MWB objects in background                                        .
DMC_OBJECT_COPY_SP             Copy MWB objects in background                                        .
DMC_PERF_ANALYSIS              MWB: Analysis of Runtimes and Performance                             .
DMC_PERF_COMPARE               Comparison of two data transfers                                      .
DMC_PROTOCOL_DOWNLOAD          MWB:Log Download                                                      .
DMC_RENAME_IDENTS              MWB: Rename Structure Identifiers                                     .
DMC_RESET_FROM_DDIC_FLAG       reset "from ddic" flag from structures                                .
DMC_RESET_MT_TABLES            Program DMC_RESET_MT_TABLES                                           .
DMC_RSFL_ANALYSIS              Program ZRSFL_ANALYSIS                                                .
DMC_RUNTIME_ANALYSIS           Runtime Analysis                                                      .
DMC_RUNTIME_OVERVIEW           Report to show Summary and forecast information about running transfer.
DMC_RUNTIME_STAT               Runtime Statistics                                                    .
DMC_RUN_INFO_DISPLAY           MWB: Display runtime information                                      .
DMC_RUN_INFO_INIT_FLAGS        MWB: Initialization of Flags DMC_RUN_INFO                             .
DMC_RUN_INFO_INIT_FLAGS_SP     MWB: Initialization of Flags in DMC_RUN_INFO (SafePassage)            .
DMC_SCHEDULE_MANAGER_AGENT     MWB: Schedule Manager Agent                                           .
DMC_SELECTION_PARAM_CHECK      Analyze selection parameter conflicts                                 .
DMC_SHOW_CONVOBJ_DATA          Display conversion object Data                                        .
DMC_SHOW_PROJECT_DOCUMENTATION Display Project documentation data                                    .
DMC_STARTER                    MWB: Start program for executing a conversion                         .
DMC_STARTER_BAPI_INTERFACE     MWB: Starter for BAPI Interface                                       .
DMC_STARTER_FILE_INTERFACE     MWB: Starter Program for File Interface                               .
DMC_START_RENUMBER             MWB: Starter Program for File Interface                               .
DMC_SYNC_WITH_DDIC             MWB: DDIC synch for selected set of conversion objects                .
DMC_TOOL_MANAGER               MWB: MWB Tools Overview                                               .
DMC_TRANSFER_TIME_FORECAST     Forecast of Runtimes                                                  .
DMC_TRANSLATE_STRUCTS          MWB: Translation of Sender and Receiver Structures                    .
DMC_UPLOAD_TMPLT               DMC: UPLOAD of an Installed Rule                                      .
DMC_VALIDATION                 MWB: Event-Related Checks                                             .
DMC_WORKBENCH                  DMC Workbench                                                         .
DMEECONVERT                    DME Engine: Convert Format of Incoming DME File                       .
DMEECONVERT1                   DME Engine: Convert Format of Incoming DME File                       .
DMEETEST_ASLD                  Test program for ASLD Tree Type                                       .
DMEETEST_BOE1                  Test program for BOE1 Tree Type                                       .
DMEETEST_DEBT                  Test program for DEBT Tree Type                                       .
DMEETEST_ITSR                  Test program for ITSR Tree Type                                       .
DMEETEST_UMS2                  Test program for UMS2 Tree Type                                       .
DMEETEST_UMS3                  Test program for UMS3 Tree Type                                       .
DML_REPAIR_RELATIONS           MDF:  Repair of Relationship Tables                                   .
DMS_COPY_VERSION_INC           Copy entry to Table TDWA_VERSION                                      .
DMS_CUST_CHECK01               Verifying DMS Customizing on frontend                                 .
DMS_CUST_CREATE01              Standard settings for DMS applications                                .
DMS_DELETE_CORRUPTDATA_TDWD    DMS report to delete corrupt data in TDWD -Used for Unicode conversion.
DMS_KPRO_CHECK1                KPRO Check Report                                                     .
DMS_KPRO_CHECK_ATTRIB          Check attribute for KPRO, and if necessary create                     .
DMS_KPRO_CONVERT               Migration DMS storage into KPRO storage                               .
DMS_KPRO_CONVERT2              Physical Migration of Originals (to DMS_KPRO_CONVERT)                 .
DMS_KPRO_DELETE                Delete KPRO objects                                                   .
DMS_KPRO_FILL_CACHE            Fill Cache (Push)                                                     .
DMS_KPRO_IDX_SEARCH            Full-text search in KPro                                              .
DMS_KPRO_READ                  Determine original file from KPro for a document                      .
DMS_LOAD01                     Create file with IDOCs for data transfer                              .
DMS_RELOCATE_CONTENT           Transfer Documents                                                    .
DMS_UPD_LAST_CHANGE            Fill Table DRAW_LAST_CHANGE Initial                                   .
DMS_UPD_LAST_DRAD_CHANGE       Fill Table DRAD_LAST_CHANGE Initial                                   .
DMU_MAINT_FOR_BOM              Manual maintenance DMU matrix to BOM                                  .
DMU_MAINT_FOR_POSVAR           DMU Matrix Maintenance for Component Variant, Manual                  .
DMU_READ_FOR_BOM               DMU Matrix Display to BOM                                             .
DMU_READ_FOR_POSVAR            DMU Matrix Display for Component Variant                              .
DOCUMENT_BRIDGE_TEST           Document bridge: Demo and test program                                .
DOCU_CONTENT_ANALYSE1          Analysis: Commands per Docu Class                                     .
DOCU_CONTENT_ANALYSE2          Analysis: Variables per Docu Class                                    .
DOCU_CONTENT_ANALYSE3          Analysis: To Which and to how Many Docu Classes is There a Link       .
DOCU_READ_CHANGE_DATA_FRM_FILE Write change and creation dates in serv. file for dev. system creation.
DOCU_READ_CHANGE_DATA_TEST     Write change and creation dates in serv. file for dev. system creation.
DOCU_SEARCH                    Full Text Search for Short and Long Texts                             .
DOCU_WRITE_CHANGE_DATA_TO_FILE Write change and creation dates in serv. file for dev. system creation.
DOCVLTCH                       DMS: Comparison of originals with vault files                         .
DOCVLTCH01                     FTP Vault: Find Missing Original Application Files                    .
DPBPRESETFKSAF                 Reset Billing Status in Billing Plan Date                             .
DPR_CALC_LOG_DELETE            Report DPR_CALC_LOG_DELETE                                            .
DPR_CALC_LOG_PARAMETER         Activation of the logbook parameters                                  .
DPR_CALC_LOG_REPORT            Display Log for Costing Interface                                     .
DPR_QUALI_PERSON_TRANSFER      Report DPR_QUALI_PERSON_TRANSFER                                      .
DPS_USE_ACCESSES_TO_ABA_COUNT  Count Accesses to ABA Objects (from Outside SAP_ABA)                  .
DSIG_BOOKING_EX                Report DSIG_BOOKING_EX                                                .
DS_LOG_DISPLAY                 Program DS_LOG_DISPLAY                                                .
DTINTMPL                       Template for Developing Programs with Various Data Sources            .
DTL_ANALYZE_DB                 database analysis for selection parameter and block size determination.
DTL_COMPARE_REMOTE_DDIC        MWB: compare DDIC data for tables in MWB and remote systems           .
DTL_CREATE_CLUSTER             data migration: create cluster for temporary data storage in the sende.
DTL_GET_NUMOFRECS_FROM_RUNINFO get number of records per table from the runtime information          .
DTL_MT_DEL_SHADOW_DDIC         Delete shadow DDIC objects                                            .
DTL_MT_RT_CHECK                Checks whether the runtime function modules exist in the Sender System.
DTL_MT_RT_REMOTE_GEN           generates DTL runtime objects in sender and / or receiver system      .
DTL_SELECT_STRING_DEFINE       define select strings for existing access plans                       .
DTL_SHOW_SELSTRING             show the select string of selected conversion objects                 .
DUBIBAV1                       Compare report: Repayment List                                        .
DUBIBAV2                       Compare Report for Inflow/Outflow Lists                               .
DUBIBAV3                       Compare Report for Position List                                      .
DUE_CAP                        Test : FIMA_DAYS_AND_PERIODS                                          .
DV9ZUABGANG                    Test PRF List Using SAPscript                                         .
DVSARCH1                       Archiving Program for Document Master Records                         .
DVSARCH2                       Report for Archiving Document Master Records, Deletion Program        .
DVSARCH3                       Program for Archiving Document Master Records, Read Program           .
DX_DOC_BDS                     Demonstration for Using BDS In Office Integration                     .
*** End-of-List ***
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