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Translated & titled SAP®-Functions beginning with ...:  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X

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Explanation for columns M, R und S:
M (Modus) : J = JAVA module callable from ABAP, K = Remote enabled JAVA module, R = Remote enabled module
R (Remote-module) : 1 = Start immediately, 2 = Start delayed, 3 = Start immediately - no restart, 4 = Start immediately, 5 = Collective run
S (Status "free") : X = released
Función                        Título                                                                    M R S 

MAP2I_BAPIRET1_TO_BAPIRET2     bapiret1 -" bapiret2                                                     * * * *
MATERIAL_H_WRITE_DOCUMENT      ===" Object MATERIAL_H     , generated by program RSSCD000               * *2* *
MAT_FULL_WRITE_DOCUMENT        ===" Object MAT_FULL       , generated by program RSSCD000               * * * *
MCF_STATISTICS_LOG             Actualización de datos estadíst. con reg. en log                         * *2* *
MCI3_NOTIFICATION_BUILD_NEW    Leer avisos PM/SM para reestructuración SIMT                             * * * *
MCS_METHOD_EVENT_GENER         Método de evento para gener. posterior de estruct. para fórmulas y cond. * * * *
MCS_OBJECTS_CHECK              Estruct. info/Tablas condiciones: verif. gestión de transportes          * * * *
MCS_OBJECTS_DELETE             Borrar entradas TADIR para objetos locales y temporales                  * * * *
MCS_OBJECTS_INSERT             Estruct. info/Tabla condiciones: escribe objetos en una corrección       * * * *
MCV_STATISTICS_ALE_IN_DELIVERY Contab. entregas IDOC en SIV                                             * * * *
MCV_STATISTICS_ALE_IN_INVOICE  Contab. pedido cliente IDOC en SIV                                       * * * *
MCV_STATISTICS_ALE_IN_ORDER    Contab. pedido cliente IDOC en SIV                                       * * * *
MCV_STATISTICS_ALE_OUT_DELIVER Actualiz. estadística pedido cliente - ALE OUT                           * *1* *
MCV_STATISTICS_ALE_OUT_INVOICE Actualiz. estadística pedido cliente - ALE OUT                           * *1* *
MCV_STATISTICS_ALE_OUT_ORDER   Actualiz. estadística pedido cliente - ALE OUT                           * *1* *
MCV_STATISTICS_DELIVERY        Actualiz. estadística entrega                                            * * * *
MCV_STATISTICS_MIGRATION_STAFO Migration RV - Determine Statistics Update Group Sales Document          * * * *
MCV_STATISTICS_ORDER           Actualización estadística pedido cliente                                 * * * *
MD_PEGGING                     Causante de la orden                                                     * * * *
MD_SALES_ORDER_STATUS_REPORT   Informe de órdenes                                                       * * * *
MI_BUZEINUMBER_GET             Provide next free line item number for a document                        * * * *
MI_COBELNUMBER_GET             Generate CO document numbers for R/2 document numbers                    * * * *
MI_COKA_CHECK                  Test unit of measure against table COKA                                  * * * *
MI_COOBJNUMBER_GET_AN          Create CO object number for asset under construction                     * * * *
MI_COOBJNUMBER_GET_KL          Create CO object number for cost center/activity type                    * * * *
MI_COOBJNUMBER_GET_KS          Handle CO Object Number for Cost Center                                  * * * *
MI_COOBJNUMBER_GET_OR          Create CO Object Number for Order                                        * * * *
MI_COOBJNUMBER_GET_VB          CO Object Number for Cost Collector/Sales Order                          * * * *
MI_COOBJNUMBER_INSERT_KL       Create and Update CO Object Number for Cost Center/Activity Type         * * * *
MI_COOBJNUMBER_INSERT_KS       Create and Update CO Object Number for Cost Center                       * * * *
MI_COOBJNUMBER_INSERT_OR       Create and Update CO Object Number for Cost Center                       * * * *
MI_COSUMBZNUMBER_SET           Set Total Line Item in COBK After Migration                              * * * *
MI_PS_PIDELEMENT_GET           Provide Internal Project Number, Object Number                           * * * *
MI_PS_PROJECTIDENT_GET         Create (External) Project Identification / WBS Element                   * * * *
MI_PS_PSPELEMENT_GET           Provide Internal WBS Element Number, Object Number                       * * * *
MI_RK_ORDER_TO_PLAN            Migration R/2 RK Orders to R/3 Structure Planning                        * * * *
*** End-of-List ***

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