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レポート                           タイトル                                                                   

H00EHS00_UPLOAD_AGENT          薬品の旧データ転送プログラム (不使用となったもの)
H00EHS00_UPLOAD_AGENTT         薬品テキストの旧データ転送プログラム (不使用となったもの)
H00EHS00_UPLOAD_PREGANA        注記項目 Protocol_Regulation-Description の転送プログラム
H00EHS00_UPLOAD_PREGDES        注記項目 Protocol_Regulation-Description の転送プログラム
H00EHS00_UPLOAD_PREGFOL        注記項目 Protocol_Regulation-Follow_up の転送プログラム
H00EHS00_UPLOAD_PREGPRO        注記項目 Protocol_Regulation-Procedure の転送プログラム
H00EHS00_UPLOAD_PROTMEM        注記項目 Protocol_Description のデータをアップロードするプログラム
H00RSMUPLOAD                   Choose File Upload from Director/Local File
H00RSM_EXPRSM1_SUB             勤怠データダウンロード: エクスポートプログラム開始
H00_ADHOCQUERY                 HR アドホッククエリ開始
H00_QUERY_AD_HOC               HR アドホックリポートの SAP クエリにアクセス
H00_QUERY_AD_HOC_ROLE          HR アドホックレポート用 SAP クエリロールアクセス
H00_QUERY_DEVELOPMENT          HR 開発用 SAP クエリアクセス
H00_QUERY_DEVELOPMENT_ROLE     HR 開発用 SAP クエリロールアクセス
H00_SAPQUERY                   HR 環境で SAP クエリ開始
H01_UTSV_FRAME                 Frame for Calling RPUTSVDx
H37_SELECT_ADIANTAMENTO        Select personal numbers for a payroll process
H37_SELECT_PERNR_BRANCH        Select personal numbers for a payroll process
H99CMLI0                       支払方法にもとづく現金支払の明細
H99CWTR0                       ウェイジタイプレポータ
H99CWTR0_CE                    ウェイジタイプレポータ
H99HRF_GENERATE                HR フォーム: フォーム各部分の生成
H99HRF_METADATA_02             HR フォーム: メタデータ更新
H99LT52OCG                     後続処理特別支給ワークベンチ
H99LT52OCL                     口座振込は小切手により弁済/取消記入されました
H99PDSY10                      HRDSYS に対する妥当性チェック
H99PDSY20                      HRDSYS のユニバーサル移送ツール
H99PDSY_COMPARE                HRDSYS:  システム間テキスト比較
H99PDSY_FILL_SMODILOG          SMODILOG にないエントリの拡張
H99PDSY_FIND_DOCU              HRDSYS 文書一覧
H99PDSY_READ_TRANSPORT         移送依頼の HRDSYS オブジェクト一覧
H99PM_AFTER_IMP                プロセスモデルへの追加情報の挿入
H99UCDP0                       プロセスの自動完了と自動クローズ
H99UDDED                       概要 - 控除機能用ウェイジタイプの開発
H99UDDICTYPES                  DDIC 構造 PAYxx_RESULT とマクロ定義の比較
H99UDEL_T52RIC                 Display/delete entries from table T52RIC
H99UGPMP_CE                    T7CCE_APASG のカスタマイズ (MPSD の切替時)
H99UGSP0                       給与計算内の分割
H99U_CONVERSION_CA             アーカイブされた給与計算結果のクラスタ CA 変換中
H99U_PYINFTY_CC_XPRA           給与計算 IT: 4.6A 国種別変換用メイン XPRA レポート
H99U_PYINFTY_REPLACE_XX        未割当国区分 XX を給与計算インフォタイプ XPRA により置換
H99U_RGDIR_WPBP                テーブル HRPY_RGDIR と HPPY_WPBP の再構築
H99_B2ACHECK                   HR-B2A: Check Program for B2A Application
H99_B2AMANAGER                 Program H99_B2AMANAGER
H99_CHKE_FRAME                 RFCHKE00 のフレーム
H99_DP_FILL_T52CLST            T52CLST エントリ生成
H99_FORMSTEMPLATE_PRNT_02      HR フォーム: メインプログラムのテンプレート
H99_HRFORMS_CALL               HR フォームワークプレイス用の印刷プログラム呼出
H99_JOB_STARTED                'ジョブ開始' イベント起動
H99_POST_PAYMENT               支払転記: 転記実行登録
H99_RFF_FRAME                  RFFO*_C 呼出用メインプログラム
H99_RFF_FRAME_REP              小切手変更用 RFFO*_C 呼出プログラム
H99_SELECT_OC_ALL              一括賞与処理の従業員番号選択 (PY)
H99_SELECT_OC_ALL_CE           一括賞与処理 (PY) に対する従業員番号選択
H99_SELECT_PERNR               給与計算処理 (PY) 用の従業員番号選択
H99_SELECT_PERNR_CE            給与計算プロセスでの個人/割当の選択 (PY)
H99_SELECT_PERNR_INTERFACE     給与計算ドライバなしの従業員番号、インタフェース選択
H99_SELECT_PERNR_MASS_ADVANCE  一括前払処理の従業員番号選択 (PY)
H99_SELECT_PERNR_MASS_ADV_CE   一括前払処理の従業員番号選択 (PY)
H99_SELECT_PERNR_MASS_BONUS    一括賞与処理の従業員番号選択 (PY)
H99_SELECT_PERNR_MASS_BONUS_CE 一括賞与処理 (PY) に対する従業員番号選択
H99_SELECT_PERNR_MASS_LTI      一括 LTI 処理のための従業員番号選択 (PY)
H99_SELECT_PERNR_MASS_LTI_M    一括 LTI 処理のための従業員番号選択 (PY)
H99_SELECT_PERNR_PU12_GROSS    給与計算実行およびエクスポートの従業員番号選択
HARCAF02                       Average difference for family allowances
HARCALC0                       Payroll accounting program Argentina
HARCART0                       Remuneration statement for employees with LRIC licences
HARCCEN0                       Social Insurance Administration (SNSS) census
HARCDBC0                       Determining gross amounts and contributions differences
HARCDGI0                       Generation of employee declarations - Version 18
HARCDGI1                       Res.886/2000-Income Tax 4th tax bracket-SICORE 4-Deductions
HARCDGI2                       Res.886/2000-Income Tax 4th tax bracket-SICORE 4-Deductions
HARCDGI9                       R.G. 4110 - 4th Cat. Income Deductions - File Generation
HARCDTA0                       Pre-program Data medium exchange Various payment processes
HARCDTB0                       Previous program Data medium exchange Separate payment process
HARCEDT0                       Remuneration statement
HARCF649                       Form 649- Sworn Annual Declaration of Employee
HARCIMPF                       Final settlement on Income Tax
HARCKTO0                       Payroll account
HARCLJN0                       Payroll journal
HARCLSTR                       Cluster AR payroll results
HARCMLI9                       Cash breakdown list
HARCOS00                       List of payments to welfare fund
HARCSI00                       Union contribution list
HARCSI12                       Generation of annual declarations - Version 12
HARCSI13                       Generation of employee declarations- Version 13.1
HARCSI15                       Generation of employee declarations - Version 15
HARCSI16                       Generation of employee declarations - Version 16
HARCSI17                       Generation of employee declarations - Version 17
HARCSI18                       Generation of annual statements - Version 18
HARCSI93                       Generation of employee declarations
HARCSIAR                       Generation of employee declarations - Version 19
HARCSIR0                       Personnel count for SIJP
HARCSRV0                       Certification of Services
HARCTER0                       Off-cycle payroll run: employees leaving the company
HARCVAC0                       Off-cycle payroll run for vacation payment
HARLIBR0                       Legal Payroll Payments Book: Law 20.744 Art. 52 - Forms version
HARLIBR1                       Legal Payroll Payments Book: Law 20.744 Art.52 - SapScripts version
HARUTMS0                       Display of Temse - Multi-record files
HARUTMS1                       Temse file display - Original version
HARUTMS3                       Display of Temse files-Indiviual register
HBR3RDE0                       List of third-party contributions
HBRAVFE0                       Issue of Leave Notice
HBRAVPR0                       Notice Notification
HBRCAGED                       GREU: report and file
HBRCALC0                       Payroll accounting program  - Brazil
HBRCCED0                       Income Declaration
HBRCDTA0                       Preparation program - data exchange for several payments
HBRCEDT0                       Remuneration statement
HBRCEDT1                       Monthly remuneration statement
HBRCFER0                       Leave allowance advance payment
HBRCGRH0                       Alimony history
HBRCKTO0                       Payroll accounts
HBRCMLI9                       Cash breakdown list
HBRCONTR                       Probation contract
HBRCONV185                     Conversionn routine for Documents Infotype
HBRCSAB0                       Report to handle special absences
HBRCVTR0                       Transportation ticket report
HBRDARF0                       FRRD report
HBRDEPD0                       Dependents Declaration for Income Tax Discount
HBRDIRF0                       Withholding Income Tax Declaration - WITD
HBRETQCP                       Salary Adjustment Label
HBRETQFER                      Taken leave label
HBRFCOL0                       Collective leave programming
HBRFICHA                       Employee Tab Page
HBRGPS00                       GSW form printing
HBRGRFC0                       Guide of FGTS Termination Collection - GFTC
HBRGRFP0                       FCGSWI - FGTS Guide Collect Termination and Social Welfare Information
HBRGRPS0                       GCSW - Guide of Collect of Social Welfare
HBRIN680                       Normative instruction 68
HBRIN860                       Normative instruction 86
HBRLLOG0                       View legal report result
HBRPAYR0                       Payroll Monthly Report
HBRPIS00                       SIP - program for processing archive cash office SIP company
HBRRAIS0                       Social Information Annual List - SIAL
HBRRECT0                       Termination (Standard)
HBRRTER0                       Termination Term
HBRRTER1                       Termination term
HBRSALC0                       List and Specification of Contribution Salaries
HBRSALF0                       Child Allowance data sheet
HBRSALM0                       Maternity Pay data sheet
HBRSEF00                       FGTS Collect Company System and Social Welfare Information - FCSWI 4.0
HBRSEGDE                       Unemployment Insurance Application - UI
HBRTERM0                       Dependents Declaration for Child Allowance
HBRU13S0                       Program HBRU13S0
HBRUQTG0                       Generate legal leave entitlement
HBRUTDOCU                      Overview and Documents Maintenance
HBRUTMS5                       Display TemSe files
HBRVENF0                       Issue of Leave Notice
HCNCALC0                       Payroll Driver, Version China
HCNCAWS0                       China specific Bonus (AWS) calculation
HCNCCBD0                       China PHF/SI declaration report
HCNCCBR0                       China PHF/SI calculation base retrieve/upload report
HCNCDTA0                       Preliminary Program - Data Medium Exchange for Several Payment Runs
HCNCEDT0                       Remuneration Statements China
HCNCKTO0                       Payroll Accounts --- China
HCNCLJN0                       Payroll Journal --- China
HCNCMLI0                       Cash Breakdown List (China)
HCNCMLI9                       Cash Breakdown List (Read CN Cluster)
HCNCPHF0                       Public housing fund result screen list
HCNCSI00                       Social insurance result screen list
HCNCTAX0                       Individual Income Tax Report
HCNCTAX9                       Individual Income Tax Report
HCNU0021                       Conversion for IT0021 IC Number from NUMC to CHAR
HCNUOI01                       Import and export MSWORD form
HFICALC0                       Payroll driver (Finland)
HFICDTA0                       Preliminary Program - DME for Several Payment Runs (Finland)
HFICEDT0                       Remuneration Statement Finland
HFICEDT0_ELETTER               Remuneration statement as electronic letter for ePost
HFICKTO0                       Payroll Accounts
HFICLJN0                       Payroll Journal - Finland
HFICSTS0                       HR-FI: Quarterly and annual statistics for hourly workers
HFICTAX0                       Tax and social insurance statement Finland
HFICVAC0                       Off-cycle payroll run for vacation payment
HFIELET0                       Download eLetter from TemSe file
HFIFTUM0                       Quarterly / semi-annual file for trade unions (Finland)
HFIIABP0                       Batch Input for Vacation Bonus Payments Finland
HFIITUMF                       Create New IT0057 for Trade Union Fees via Batch Input
HFILAAI0                       Annual accident insurance statement (Finland)
HFILAWT0                       Annual working time report Finland
HFILDED0                       Legal deductions list (Finland)
HFILERR0                       Employee representative report Finland
HFILGAR0                       Garnishment overview (Finland)
HFILHPA0                       Holiday Pay Accrual
HFILOTR0                       Overtime report (Finland)
HFILPEN0                       List of employees legally obliged to change insurance type (Finland)
HFILSEA0                       Earnings statement
HFILTALEL0                     LEL/TaEL reporting (Finland)
HFILTAX0                       Data collector for annual tax statement (Finland)
HFILTAX1                       Finnish ATS Data Presentation
HFILTCRE                       Display tax card information (Finland)
HFILTEL0                       TEL employment and year statement (Finland)
HFILTUM0                       Trade union membership fees list (Finland)
HFILTUMF                       Download TUM fees from TemSe file (Finland)
HFILTVR0                       Pay Scale Reclassification data for Parake employees
HFILVAC0                       Finnish Vacation Planning Report
HFILVAC1                       Vacation calculation report
HFILWTR0                       Finnish wage type reporting
HFIUCPL0                       Personnel numbers that have to be unlocked for payroll runs
HFIUTCCP                       Delimitation and copying of tax infotypes
HFIUTCDL                       Download tax card (Finland)
HFIUTCUL                       Upload tax card (Finland)
HFIUTEM0                       Download from TemSe data to frontend
HHKCALC0                       Payroll Driver Hong Kong
HHKCDTB0                       Preliminary Data Medium Exchange - for separate payment run
HHKCDTC0                       Preliminary Data Medium Exchange - for several payment runs(HK)
HHKCEDT0                       Remuneration Statements    -    Hong Kong
HHKCKTO0                       Payroll Accounts
HHKCLJN0                       Payroll Journal - Hong Kong
HHKCLST1                       Payroll Results for Cluster HZ  -  Hongkong Payroll Projection
HHKCLSTR                       Payroll Results for Cluster HK
HHKCPFB0                       HR-HK: Periodic MPF contribution report (format: bank of Bermuda)
HHKCPFC0                       HR-HK: Periodic MPF contribution report (format: HSBC)
HHKCREC0                       Payroll results check tool
HHKCSKLE                       Batch Input: Statutory Sick Leave
HHKCTXB0                       Employer's return of remuneration and pensions for the tax year(V4.6)
HHKCTXE0                       Notification by an ER of an EE who commences to be employed
HHKCTXF0                       Notification by an ER of an EE who is about to cease to be employed
HHKCTXG0                       Notification by an ER of an EE who is about to depart from Hong Kong
HHKU0346                       Conversion program for Infotype 0346(HK specific)
HHKUJ2Z0                       Conversion program : T7HK2J to T7HK2Q, T7HK2R,T7Hk2S and T7HK2Z
HHKUREC0                       Payroll results check tool: Generation
HHKUREC5                       Payroll results check tool: Display
HIDCALC0                       Payroll Driver, Version ID (Indonesia)
HIDCANN0                       Payroll Annual Display
HIDCAWS0                       Indonesia Bonus (AWS) calculation
HIDCDTC0                       Preliminary Program - Data Medium Exchange for Several Payment Runs
HIDCEDT0                       Remuneration Statements
HIDCJAM0                       Jamsostek monthly reports -- Indonesia
HIDCJAM1                       Jamsostek Yearly Report - ID
HIDCKTO0                       Payroll Account
HIDCLJN0                       Payroll Journal
HIDCLSTL                       Printout of Loan Results
HIDCLSTR                       Display Payroll Results (Cluster IS) Indonesia
HIDCMLI9                       Cash Breakdown List (Read IS Cluster)
HIDCTAX1                       Annual Tax Report Indonesia
HIDUNAM1                       Name data conversion for upgrade to Indonesia HR version rel 4.0A
HIECALC0                       Payroll Calculation Driver for Ireland
HIECDTA0                       Preliminary Program - DME for Several Payment Runs (Ireland)
HIECDTB0                       Preliminary DME Program for Separate Payment Run
HIECEDT0                       Payslip - Ireland
HIECEOY0                       IE Year End Report : Production of Legislative Forms
HIECEWN0                       HR Ireland: Works Numbers Return
HIECEXEP                       HR Ireland: Exceptions Report
HIECKTO0                       Payroll account
HIECLJN0                       Payroll journal for Ireland
HIECLSTR                       Display cluster IE (Payroll results Ireland)
HIECMLI9                       Cash breakdown list Ireland (read cluster IE)
HIECP300                       P30 Legislative Reporting Ireland
HIECP35L                       P35 Legislative Reporting Ireland
HIECP450                       P45 Legislative Reporting Ireland
HIECP600                       P60 Legislative Reporting Ireland
HIECPAC0                       Report to change payroll area for mulitple employees
HIECPENP2                      Irish Pensions Contributions Report
HIECPRC1                       PRC1 Legislative Reporting Ireland
HIECTFA0                       HR Ireland: Update Of Tax Credit
HIECVHI0                       HR Ireland: Update of VHI details
HIECVHI1                       HR Ireland: Download of VHI details
HIECVHI2                       Health Insurance Contribution Report
HIEDTFG0                       Data Medium Exchange: Cancelling Transfers
HIEIPAYE                       HR-IE: PAYE Upload Tax Credits
HIER_BO2                       デモプログラム: 更新モードの階層グラフィック
HIEUDIR0                       Create Directory for Payroll Results (Cluster IE)
HINC2170                       Form 217 (2A)
HINCALC0                       Payroll Driver, India
HINCANN0                       Payroll Annual Display - India
HINCBON0                       India specific Bonus calculation
HINCDTA0                       Preliminary Program - Data Medium Exchange - Post Payroll - India
HINCDTB0                       Preliminary  DME Prog. for seperate payment run - India
HINCDTC0                       Data Medium Exchange and Check Printing for India
HINCDTE0                       Prenotification - India
HINCEDT0                       HR: India Remuneration Statements
HINCEPF0                       HR:India  Employees' Provident Fund  -  Reports
HINCEPF1                       HR: IN PF Report
HINCEPN0                       HR: IN Pension Reports
HINCEPN1                       HR: IN Pension Reports
HINCESI0                       Form 6 and 7 for Employees State Insurance
HINCF160                       Print program for form 16
HINCF240                       Print program for form 24
HINCGRY0                       Gratuity Listing
HINCKTO0                       Payroll Account - India
HINCLJN0                       Payroll Journal - India
HINCLON1                       HR-IN : Loan Report to display Principal, interest and subsidy
HINCLSTR                       Cluster Display IN ( Payroll Results, India )
HINCLWF1                       HR-IN: Labour Welfare Fund legal reports
HINCMLI9                       Cash breakdown List (Read IN cluster)
HINCPTX0                       HR:India Professional Tax reporting
HINCPTX0_REF                   Proffessional Tax Refunds
HINCPTX1                       HR:India Professional Tax reporting [Annual form for Maharashtra]
HINCREMC                       HR-IN: Claims Carry Forward Balance
HINCREMS                       HR-IN: Status for claims
HINCREMT                       HR-IN: Claims Balance Disbursement
HINCSAN0                       Superannuation Report
HINCWTR0                       Wage Type Reporter
HINIALR0                       Allowances Restructuring.
HINIBSG0                       Basic - General Increments
HINIBSP0                       HR: IN  Basic Promotions
HINIDAB0                       HR: IN  Batch Program - DA
HINIESI0                       Batch program for ESI - India
HINIHRA0                       HR-IN: Batch program for Housing (HRA/CLA/COA)
HINIS800                       Batch Program for Section 80 - India
HINIS880                       Batch Prgram For Section 88 - INDIA.
HINU58B0                       Table Insert for T558B- Period
HINU58C0                       Table Insert  for T558C- Wage Type
HINUDNUP                       R/3 Interface with EXCEL (Download from IT8/Upload into IT15)
HINUESI0                       ESI -  Monthly Eligibility Report
HINUPTX0                       Conversion report program for Ptax table - T7INP1
HINUUAD1                       R/3 Interface with EXCEL (Upload and download)
HINUULK0                       INLK Payroll Tables T558B and T558C  Upload
HINUUPCF                       HR-IN:Claims Balance upload program
HINU_M40_FFOD                  Create DME (Print Payment advice note)
HJPUJU_DEPINF                  扶養親族情報の更新
HJPU_CHARCODE_CHECKER          文字コードチェック
HKRCALC0                       Payroll Driver, Version for South Korea
HKRCCMSC                       List for changes of monthly standard compensation
HKRCDTA0                       Preliminary Program - Data Medium Exchange for Several Payment Runs
HKRCEDT0                       Remuneration Statements KR
HKRCKTO0                       Payroll Accounts
HKRCLJN0                       Payroll Journal --- South Korea
HKRCLSTR                       Payroll Results for Cluster KR (South Korea)
HKRCMIS0                       Modification of compensation amount in separation
HKRCPTX0                       The payment certificate of earned income tax
HKRCSIP0                       Social insurance premium deduction statement
HKRCSMIP                       Statistics for medical payment
HKRCUPNP                       Annual notification for Health Insurance & National Pension
HKRCYEA0                       The payment receipt of withholding income tax
HKRCYEG0                       The payment list of withholding income tax
HKRLEIAL0                      List for National Pension Eligibility Acquired and Lost
HKRLFST1                       Preselection report for fast entry of Infotype 0543
HKRLSIACQ                      The acquired list of social insurance
HKRLSICHG                      List for the SI eligibility changed
HKRLSILOS                      List for National Pension Eligibility Acquired and Lost
HKRSEPR0                       The separation payment tax receipt
HKRULQC0                       Generate leave quota compensation
HKRUNP00                       Health Insurance & National Pension Grade Change BDC (Korea)
HKRUTSV0                       TemSe Download for Reporting Korea
HLACTRM0                       Termination
HMXCAFL0                       Generation of IMSS notifications
HMXCAGU0                       Annual bonus calculation
HMXCAJD0                       Adjustment of annual deferred tax
HMXCALC0                       Mexican payroll accounting program
HMXCCRE0                       Annual declaration of wage credit paid in cash
HMXCCSS0                       IMSS and INFONAVIT Contribution Calculation
HMXCDNT0                       Delete notification for Integrated daily wage infotype (0372)
HMXCDSS0                       Wages and salaries declaration
HMXCDTA0                       Pre-program Data medium exchange Various payment processes
HMXCEDT0                       Remuneration statement Mexico
HMXCETS0                       Limit surplus report for daily integrated wage (SDI)
HMXCFIC0                       Calculation of theoretical taxable income
HMXCFNC0                       Generation of  FONACOT initial file, issue and payments
HMXCGRB0                       Maintenance payments: beneficiaries
HMXCGRH0                       Garnishment history
HMXCGRI0                       Regular tax calculation report
HMXCIFA0                       Savings fund interest distribution
HMXCINF0                       Deductions by INFONAVIT and FONACOT credits
HMXCINO0                       Payroll tax report
HMXCIPDPBS                     ISSSTE - Payroll Data File
HMXCISR0                       Income Tax Calculation
HMXCKTO0                       Payroll account
HMXCLFA0                       Savings fund settlement
HMXCLJN0                       Payroll journal
HMXCLSTR                       Payroll accounting results (Cluster MX)
HMXCMCI0                       Tax Methods Comparative
HMXCRET0                       Payments and deductions record for Income Tax purposes
HMXCRNS0                       Annual report on payments by minimum wage levels
HMXCRUT0                       Profit share calculation
HMXCSDI0                       Wage integration report
HMXCSFA0                       Balance report for Savings Fund
HMXCSSI0                       IMSS-INFONAVIT contribution report
HMXCTAL0                       INFONAVIT deduction release record
HMXCVAL0                       File format for food vouchers
HMXTISS0                       List of personnel absences and incapacities
HMXTRTR0                       Annual percentage calculation of industrial risk contribution
HMXTVAC0                       Settlement of Vacation Quotas
HMXUACTPBS                     Personnel Action Report
HMXUTMS0                       Display of TemSe files
HNZCADV0                       Advance payment NZ
HNZCALC0                       Payroll Driver, Version NZ (New Zealand)
HNZCDTA0                       Preliminary Program - Data Medium Exchange for Several Payment Runs
HNZCEDT0                       Editing Payroll Results (New Zealand Version)
HNZCIRC0                       Inland Revenue Certificates and Electronic File NZ
HNZCLAC0                       New Zealand Leave Accruals and Leave Processing program
HNZCLJN0                       Payroll Journal --- International
HNZCLSTR                       Display Payroll Results (Cluster NZ) - New Zealand
HNZCLV00                       New Zealand leave processing
HNZCLVP0                       Leave Liability Projection Accrual Program
HNZCMLI9                       Cash Breakdown List (Read NZ Cluster)
HNZCQULD                       Quotas loading & creation of initial LVAWE records - NZ
HNZCSUP0                       Superannuation Calculations NZ
HNZCTAX0                       Taxation  New Zealand
HNZCTR10                       Terminations New Zealand
HNZLACC0                       HR-NZ: ACC Employer Premium Report
HNZLCON0                       Leave Conversion - New Zealand leave
HNZLCSE0                       Child Support, Student Loans & Employee Start/Finish Report NZ
HNZLDET0                       HR-NZ: Employee Pay Details Report
HNZLEMS0                       Employer Monthly Schedule (IR348)  - New Zealand
HNZLEXC0                       HR-NZ: Payroll Exception Report
HNZLLVL0                       Leave Liability Report
HNZLPRR0                       IR68P - PAYE/ACC Reconciliation Report NZ
HNZLQES0                       Quarterly Employment Survey - New Zealand
HNZLREC0                       HR-NZ: Run Reconciliation Report
HNZLREM0                       Employer deductions: Remittance certificate (IR345/IR346) - NZ
HNZLSUM0                       HR-NZ: Employee Payroll Summary Report
HNZLSUP0                       HR-NZ: Superannuation Report
HNZQESL0                       Quarterly Labour Survey (Annual Leave) - NZ
HNZUCDC0                       Convert Payroll Results for Conversion to " 2 Decimal Places
HNZUCLR0                       Payroll Results (RQ) - Original and differences from retro periods
HNZUDIR0                       Create directory for payroll results (RU cluster)
HNZUPTQ0                       Report To List Inconsistent Absence Quota Data
HPHCALC0                       Payroll Driver - Philippines
HPHCAWS0                       13th Month Pay
HPHCDTA0                       Preliminary Program - Data Medium Exchange for Several Payment Runs
HPHCEDT0                       Remuneration Statements
HPHCKTO0                       HR payroll account -Philippines
HPHCLJN0                       Payroll Journal - Philippines
HPHCLSTR                       Display Payroll Results (Cluster PH) - Philippines
HPHCMLI9                       Cash Breakdown List (Read PH Cluster)
HPHCMP00                       HR-PH: Advance Payment Multiple Runs
HPHEOYT0                       End of Year Tax Statement BIR2316 Philippines
HPHRALP0                       Alphalist Report
HPHREDI0                       PY-PH: SSSEdiNet
HPHRHDM0                       HDMF Membership Registration/Remittance Form
HPHRNHIP0                      HR-PH: PhilHealth Report - RF-1
HPHRSS00                       HR-PH: Social Security Report
HPHRSSS0                       PY-PH: Social Security Report
HPHRTAX0                       Tax Report
HPHRUSBR0                      PY-PH : Utility report to insert receipt records in the table.
HPHUALR0                       Payroll Results (PH) - Actual/most recent result for CRT
HPHUCDC0                       Convert Payroll Results for Conversion to " 2 Decimal Places
HPHUCLR0                       Payroll Results (PH) - Original and differences from retro periods
HRALXPROT                      拡張 HR-ALE 配信のシステムログ照会
HRALXSYNC                      オブジェクトの同期および仮修正
HRFPM_MAINT_T77HRFPM_CHGPE     過去の変更が許可される期間の更新
HRXSS_SER_RFW_TEST             ESS レポートフレームワークのテスト
HR_CE_GENERATE_PERSONID_EXT    インフォタイプ 0709 の生成レポート (Personid_ext)
HR_SYNC_PERSON                 従業員 - ビジネスパートナの同期化
HS_DELAPPL                     EHS: 危険物マスタ: 充填ログ削除
HS_DISTRIBUTE                  EHS: 有害物質配信
HS_FILL                        EHS: 危険物マスタ充填
HS_INFO                        EHS: 危険物マスタレコード照会
HS_PHRACT                      EHS: カスタマイジング危険物マスタ - フレーズ有効化
HTHCALC0                       Payroll Driver, Version 9 (Thailand)
HTHCAWS0                       Bonus (AWS) Calculation
HTHCDTC0                       Preliminary Prog - Data Medium Exchange for Several Payment Runs (TH)
HTHCEDT0                       Remuneration Statements
HTHCKTO0                       Payroll Accounts Thailand
HTHCLJN0                       Payroll Journal - THAILAND
HTHCLSTR                       Payroll Results for Cluster TH
HTHCSSD1                       Social Security Detailed Report Form No. 1-10 (1st Part)  THAILAND
HTHCSSS1                       Social Security Form No. 1-10 (1st Part)  THAILAND
HTHCTX1A                       Income Tax Form 1A - Yearly report Thailand
HTHCTX5B                       Income Tax Form 50 Bis - Yearly report Thailand
HTHCTX91                       Income Tax Reconciliation Worksheet (PIT91)
HTHCTXF1                       Income Tax Form 1 (ITF1) - Monthly Report for Thailand
HTHLVA00                       Leave Entitlement Generation for TH
HTHUVIEK                       Initialize P0003
HTHU_CREATE_SEQ_NO             Create Sequence no. for Thai Employee (for Legal reports)
HTWCALC0                       Payroll Driver for Taiwan
HTWCAWS0                       Bonus calculation
HTWCDTA0                       Preliminary Program - Data Medium Exchange for Several Payment Runs
HTWCDTF0                       Data Medium Exchange: Cancelling Transfers
HTWCEDT0                       Payslip, Taiwan
HTWCKTO0                       Taiwan Payroll Accounts
HTWCLJN0                       Payroll Journal  --- Taiwan specific
HTWCLSTR                       Payroll Results for Cluster TN
HTWCMLI9                       Cash Breakdown List (Read TN Cluster)
HTWCMP00                       Multiple payments
HTWCTXM0                       Tax Certificate Report & Media Form
HTWCTXP0                       Periodiclly Income Tax Summary Report
HTWCTXW0                       Tax Certificate Report & Media Form (Payday)
HTWLAM00                       Read payroll result and update infotype 0354/0355
HTWLCE00                       Certificate for LI/NHI payment
HTWLHI00                       List and update LI/NHI data
HTWLHIA0                       NHI Adjust report
HTWLHIC0                       NHI Change report
HTWLHID0                       Difference Report of NHI Data
HTWLHIJ0                       NHI Join report
HTWLHIM0                       NHI Medium report
HTWLHIQ0                       NHI Quit report
HTWLINF0                       Infotype Overview for Employee
HTWLLIA0                       LI Amount Adjust report
HTWLLIC0                       LI Change report
HTWLLIJ0                       LI Join report
HTWLLIQ0                       LI Quit report
HTWLNC00                       Delimit IT0354 IT0355 record when T7TW1B was changed
HTWLRT00                       Retirement/Severance/Resignation calculation
HTWSI970                       Social Insurance (LI/NHI) of Taiwan
HTWUTXM0                       Delete tax reported data
HTWUVB50                       Export/import Program and Word forms into/from database.
HVECADR0                       Accident declaration file
HVECALC0                       Payroll accounting program (Venezuela)
HVECARC0                       Form AR-C: Income Tax deduction statement
HVECCCR0                       Collective contract report
HVECDTA0                       Data medium exchange program: payment processes
HVECEDT0                       Payslip and severance payslip
HVECINE0                       Report of worker contributions to INCE
HVECINR0                       Report on quaterly contribution from company to INCE
HVECINT0                       Calculation of interests over severance
HVECINT1                       Calculation of interests over severance
HVECISL0                       Files and reports for ISLR
HVECIVS0                       Consistency of Work report for IVSS
HVECKTO0                       Payroll account
HVECLJN0                       Payroll journal
HVECLPH0                       LPH list - TemSe file
HVECLPH1                       Calculation of LPH payments
HVECLPH2                       Calculation of LPH payments
HVECLSTR                       Display payroll results (Cluster VE)
HVECMIN0                       Register of juvenile employees (Art. 265 of the Fed.Labor Act)
HVECOL00                       Collective vacations report
HVECPSH0                       Profit share calculation in payroll
HVECPSR0                       Declaration file of profit obtained and distributed by the company
HVECRAI0                       RA-I Form: Annual tax statement
HVECRNR0                       Update listing report
HVECSEN0                       Calculation of seniority welfare payments
HVECSIE0                       IVSS report 14-02
HVECSIE1                       IVSS report 14-03
HVECSSO0                       Calculation of SSO and SPF contributions and deductions
HVECSSR0                       Report of file generation for the IVSS SANE system
HVECSVB0                       Report on state of benefit and interest account
HVECTAX0                       Income Tax calculation
HVECTER0                       Processing of termination of working relationship
HVECTRA1                       Apprentices report (Ministry of Labour Art. 270 )
HVECVAC0                       Valuation report on legal vacation in the payroll
HVECVCD1                       Leave advanced payment: Venezuela
HVECWHR0                       Hours worked report
HVEULKT0                       Report for data transfer from external systems
HVEUTMS0                       TemSe file display
HVEUTMS3                       TemSe file transfer
*** End-of-List ***

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