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Rapport                       Titel                                                                 .

J1SIP00E                      Cost centers: Actual/plan/variance: Output                            .
J1SIP00S                      Cost centers: Actual/plan/variance: Selection                         .
JBD_CHGPTR_DELETE             Verwerkte wijzigingspointers verwijderen                              .
JBD_CHGPTR_MONITOR            Wijzigingspointer monitor                                             .
JBD_CHGRELCUST                Wijzigingsrelevantie customizing                                      .
JBD_CPIL_BP                   Initiële load: zakenpartners                                          .
JBD_CPIL_COLL                 Initiële load: zekerheden                                             .
JBD_CPIL_CP                   Initiële load: Commercial Paper                                       .
JBD_CPIL_DETR                 Initiële load: beursgenoteerde derivaten                              .
JBD_CPIL_FCTY                 Initiële load: faciliteit                                             .
JBD_CPIL_FP                   Initiële load: gegevens effectencategorieën                           .
JBD_CPIL_FRA                  Initiële load: Forward Rate Agreement                                 .
JBD_CPIL_FTD                  Initiële load: termijndeposito                                        .
JBD_CPIL_FX                   Initiële load: valuta's                                               .
JBD_CPIL_GETR                 Initiële load: generieke transactie                                   .
JBD_CPIL_LIMIT                Initiële load: limietwaarden                                          .
JBD_CPIL_LOAN                 Initiële load: leningen                                               .
JBD_CPIL_MD_FX                Initiële load: valutakoersen                                          .
JBD_CPIL_MD_IR                Initiële load: referentierente                                        .
JBD_CPIL_MD_IX                Initiële load: indexkoersen                                           .
JBD_CPIL_MD_SE                Initiële load: effectenkoersen                                        .
JBD_CPIL_MD_VOFX              Initiële load: valutavolatiliteiten                                   .
JBD_CPIL_MD_VOIR              Initiële load: rentevolatiliteiten                                    .
JBD_CPIL_MD_VOIX              Initiële load: indexvolatiliteiten                                    .
JBD_CPIL_MD_VOSE              Initiële load: effectenvolatiliteiten                                 .
JBD_CPIL_POS_DETR             Initiële load: posities voor beursgenoteerde derivaten                .
JBD_CPIL_POS_FX               Initiële load: posities voor valutatransacties                        .
JBD_CPIL_POS_SETR             Initiële load: posities voor effectenorders                           .
JBD_CPIL_POS_VC               Initiële load: positiewijzigingen                                     .
JBD_CPIL_REL                  Initial Load: Business Partner Relationships                          .
JBD_CPIL_SETR                 Initiële load: effectenorders                                         .
JBD_CPIL_SWAP                 Initiële load: SWAP                                                   .
JBD_CPIL_VATR                 Initiële load: variabele transactie                                   .
JBD_EXPACTCUST                Export: Customizing                                                   .
JBD_EXPORT                    Extractieprogramma                                                    .
JBD_EXPRELCUST                Exportrelevantie customizing                                          .
JBR_SFGDT_COMBINE             Programma JBR_SFGDT_COMBINE                                           .
JBR_SFGDT_TOOL                Program JBR_SFGDT_TOOL                                                .
JBR_SFGDT_TOOL_COMBINE        Program JBR_SFGDT_COMBINE                                             .
JBR_SFGDT_TOOL_EXPORTS        Export Risk Objects in Multiple File                                  .
JBVTDELE0                     Variabele transactie: verwijderen                                     .
J_1AA001                      Opwaardering vaste activa (inflatie)                                  .
J_1AAINFL_REVERSE             FI-AA-opwaarderingsdocumenten storneren                               .
J_1AAINFO_01                  Inflatie FI-AA: details vaste activa                                  .
J_1AALG1                      Verslag voor ongedaan maken herwaardering vaste activa (inflatie)     .
J_1AAP01                      Herwaarderingsprogramma voor inflatiebeheer FI-AA (parallelle modus)  .
J_1ACKMI                      Indextabel later invullen voor facturen (voor marktprijsbepaling)     .
J_1ACONV                      Conversie van inflatiegegevens artikelstam (gescheiden gewaard. art.) .
J_1AF004                      Compact Document Journal                                              .
J_1AF007                      Printing of documents (no payments)                                   .
J_1AF011                      Payment Notice (AR)                                                   .
J_1AF012                      Payment Notice (AP)                                                   .
J_1AF014                      Selfwithholding                                                       .
J_1AF016                      Withholdings and Perceptions - RG 4110                                .
J_1AF018                      Gross Income Perception Listing with Magnetic Support                 .
J_1AF026                      Social security withholding                                           .
J_1AF027                      Data Medium Exchange with Disk                                        .
J_1AF029                      Enhanced Tax Journal                                                  .
J_1AF102                      Daily Report for Bank and Cash Accounts                               .
J_1AF103                      Deleting the historical data for the Daily Reports                    .
J_1AF108                      Gross Income Declaration                                              .
J_1AF109                      Multilateral Agreement Coefficient                                    .
J_1AF205                      Daily VAT Report                                                      .
J_1AF217                      Important Transactions Cross Check C.I.T.I. RG 781/2000               .
J_1AFCIDIS                    Credit Invoice List                                                   .
J_1AFONR                      Printing of the last official documents numbers assigned              .
J_1AFR1547                    Monthly Payments File (Argentina)                                     .
J_1AIDX1                      Waardering vervangingswaarde (aanpassing inflatie-index)              .
J_1AINFD                      Inflatiecorrectie open posities in lokale valuta (debiteuren)         .
J_1AINFG                      Inflatiecorrectie grootboekrekeningen                                 .
J_1AINFK                      Inflatiecorrectie open posten in eigen valuta (crediteur)             .
J_1AINFR                      Laatste aanpassingsgegevens wijzigen                                  .
J_1AINFW                      Inflatiecorrectie: open posten in vreemde valuta                      .
J_1AKON1                      Schermgenerering voor bronbelastingsvoorwaarden                       .
J_1AKON2                      Scherm verwijderen voor bronbelastingsvoorwaarden                     .
J_1AMCIP                      Waardering vervangingswaarde (aanpassing inflatie-index)              .
J_1AMGIP                      Waardering vervangingswaarde (herwaardering goederenafgifte)          .
J_1AMGMC                      Waardering vervangingswaarde (Colombia)                               .
J_1AMLBS                      Magazijnvoorraad weergeven                                            .
J_1ARCVM                      Waardering vervangingswaarde (marktprijsbepaling)                     .
J_1ARDISC                     Reversal of Cash Discount Documents Containing Uncleared Items        .
J_1BCFOP_MIGRATE              Migrate CFOP codes to versioned CFOP codes                            .
J_1BFB02                      Include to update open items from bank statement                      .
J_1BLB01                      List of Incoming Documents and Vendor List                            .
J_1BLB02                      List of Outgoing Documents                                            .
J_1BLB03                      Overview of Production and Inventory                                  .
J_1BLB07                      Physical Inventory Overview                                           .
J_1BLB07_30F                  Physical Inventory Overview                                           .
J_1BLB07_NEW                  Physical Inventory Overview - Modelo 7 (Brazil)                       .
J_1BLB08                      Registro de Apuração do IPI (Modelo 8)                                .
J_1BLB09                      Registro de Apuração do ICMS (Modelo 9)                               .
J_1BLB12                      Listagem de Operações Interestaduais (Modelo 12)                      .
J_1BLBIS                      Registro de Apuração do ISS                                           .
J_1BLFA1                      Arquivo Magnético/Convênio ICMS 142/02                                .
J_1BLFA1_OLD                  File as Per Law ICMS 131/97                                           .
J_1BLFB1                      IN68: Cadastros, Dateien und Tabelas                                  .
J_1BLFB10                     IN68: Accounting-Related File 1.2 (Balances)                          .
J_1BLFB2                      IN68: Cadastros                                                       .
J_1BLFB3                      IN68: Dateien - Nota-Fiscal-bezogen                                   .
J_1BLFB4                      IN68: Tabelas                                                         .
J_1BLFB5                      IN68: Dateien - rechnungswesenbezogen                                 .
J_1BLFB6A                     IN68: File 4.1 - Material Movements                                   .
J_1BLFB6B                     IN68: Files - Material Inventory                                      .
J_1BLFB7                      IN68: Dateien - Stückliste                                            .
J_1BLFB8                      IN68: Files - asset accounting                                        .
J_1BLFB9                      IN68: Vendor/Customer Data                                            .
J_1BLFC1                      IN86: Cadastros, Files and Tabelas                                    .
J_1BLFC10                     IN86: Cadastros (File 4.9.1)                                          .
J_1BLFC11                     IN86: Tabelas (4.9.2-4.9.7)                                           .
J_1BLFC12                     IN86: Foreign Trade File Outgoing/Incoming (4.4.1/4.4.2)              .
J_1BLFC3                      IN86: Accounting-Related File 4.1.2 (Balances)                        .
J_1BLFC4                      IN86: Vendor/Customer Data (File 4.2.1)                               .
J_1BLFC5                      IN86: Nota Fiscal-Related Files (4.3.1-4.3.6)                         .
J_1BLFC6                      IN86: Material Movements (File 4.5.1)                                 .
J_1BLFC7                      IN68: Material Inventory (File 4.5.2)                                 .
J_1BLFC8                      IN86: Bills of Material (BOM) (File 4.6.1)                            .
J_1BLFC9                      IN86: Asset Accounting-Related File (File 4.7.1)                      .
J_1BLFD1                      Magnetic File of Notas Fiscaís                                        .
J_1BLFDI                      DIRF                                                                  .
J_1BLFZF                      Issued Notas Fiscais                                                  .
J_1BNFAD                      Archiving of Notas Fiscais: Deletion Program                          .
J_1BNFAR                      Archiving of Notas Fiscais: Reload Program                            .
J_1BNFAW                      Archiving of Notas Fiscais: Write Program                             .
J_1BNFE_MONITOR               NF-e Monitor                                                          .
J_1BPOSDB                     POS-Database (Brazilian)                                              .
J_1BRMVKON00                  Consignment  settlement Brazil                                        .
J_1B_CBT_CONSIST              Report J_1B_CBT_CONSIST                                               .
J_1B_CHECK_CBT                Program J_1B_CHECK_CBT                                                .
J_1B_CIAP_REPORT              CIAP Report                                                           .
J_1B_CONVERT_TAX_GROUPS       Program J_1B_CONVERT_TAX_GROUPS                                       .
J_1B_EXT_ACC_SEQ              Transfer Customizing of Tax Groups to  Access Sequences               .
J_1B_GEN_TAX_COND_BACK        Generate Condition Records For Brazilian Tax Table Entries            .
J_1B_NFE_CREATE_TXT_FILE      NF-e TXT File Creation                                                .
J_1HDTAX                      Transfer Deferred Tax (Thailand)                                      .
J_1HKORD                      Print Program: Document Extract                                       .
J_1HSPIR                      Free Spare Part Issue Report for Warranty Product                     .
J_1HSTCD                      Stock card and Inventory material report                              .
J_1HSTKV                      Inventory and raw material for special stock report                   .
J_1I57AE                      Proforma For Monthly Return Under Rule 57AE of the Central Excise Rule.
J_1I57F1                      57F4 EXPECTED                                                         .
J_1I57FP                      57F4 SAPSCRIPT DRIVING PROGRAM                                        .
J_1ICAPG                      Capital Goods Tranfer Of Credit                                       .
J_1ICHLN                      TDS Challan Update:  Classic                                          .
J_1ICWIZ                      CIN - Health Check                                                    .
J_1IDEPOTSTOCK1               Display of Depot Stock                                                .
J_1IDEPOT_VAL                 Depot Stock Valuation for Excise                                      .
J_1IDNLD                      Download Register Data                                                .
J_1IDOCLIST                   List of Subcontracting Challans                                       .
J_1IEIOT                      OTHR SAPSCRIPT DRIVING PROGRAM                                        .
J_1IER1                       Program J_1IER1                                                       .
J_1IEWT_26A                   Annual returns for 194a                                               .
J_1IEWT_26C                   Annual Return For Section 194C                                        .
J_1IEWT_26D                   Annual Return for Section 194D                                        .
J_1IEWT_26H                   Annual returns for 194H                                               .
J_1IEWT_26I                   Annual Return for Section 194I                                        .
J_1IEWT_26J                   Annual Return for Section 194J                                        .
J_1IEWT_ANN_RET               Annual Returns                                                        .
J_1IEWT_BANK_UPDATE           Bank Challan Update                                                   .
J_1IEWT_CERT                  Print Withholding Tax Certificates for Vendors                        .
J_1IEWT_CERT_CANC             Cancel Vendor Withholding Tax Certificates                            .
J_1IEWT_CERT_CUST             Print Withholding Tax Certificates for Customers                      .
J_1IEWT_CERT_REPRINT          Reprint Vendor Withholding Tax Certificates                           .
J_1IEWT_HEALTH_CHECK          Health Check  for Migration to EWT                                    .
J_1IEWT_MIGRATE               Data Migration Tool from Classic to Extended withholding tax          .
J_1IEWT_MIGRATE_SECCO         Customizing Migration from Business Place to Section Code - India     .
J_1IEWT_PROVISIONS            Provisions for Taxes on Services Received                             .
J_1IEWT_PROV_UTILISE          Clear Provisions on Taxes for Services Received                       .
J_1IEWT_UPDATE_FI_FOR_BUPLA   Update Business Place information in FI document                      .
J_1IEXCP_BILLS                List of Excise invoices for which Billing is cancelled                .
J_1IEXCP_GR1                  Exception Reporting: List of GR's where Gate Pass not yet received    .
J_1IEXQR                      Excise Invoice Query                                                  .
J_1IF26A                      Annual returns for 194a                                               .
J_1IF26C                      Annual Return For Section 194C                                        .
J_1IF26D                      Annual Return for Section 194D                                        .
J_1IF26I                      Annual Return for Section 194I                                        .
J_1IF26J                      Annual Return for Section 194J                                        .
J_1IHBKD                      Copy Housebank ID from Invoice to TDS-Document                        .
J_1IICHK                      Check Balances Before Utilisation For a Range of Billing Documents    .
J_1IITDEP                     Year-End Income Tax Depreciation Report (India)                       .
J_1IJCHK                      RG23D Batch Selection                                                 .
J_1IMODF                      Cenvat Forecast                                                       .
J_1IPRNE                      Printout of Excise Invoices                                           .
J_1IPRNE_OUTPUT               Excise invoice printing                                               .
J_1IREGSN                     Update of Registers RG 1 and RG 23 (Part I)                           .
J_1IRTRO                      Retrospective price update on Sales and Purchase orders               .
J_1IRUTZ                      Fortnight Utilization of CENVAT                                       .
J_1IRUTZN                     Monthly Utilization                                                   .
J_1IST3                       Annual Returns for Service tax credited to the GOvt.  Form ST-3.      .
J_1ISTAX                      Sales Tax Register                                                    .
J_1ISTCH                      Challan updation Program                                              .
J_1ITD04                      TDS Certificate Reprint                                               .
J_1ITD05                      Cancel - TDS Certificate                                              .
J_1ITDS2                      Tax Deduction at Source: Classic                                      .
J_1ITDS3                      TDS Certificate                                                       .
J_1ITDS6                      TDS Certificate-  One Time Vendors                                    .
J_1ITDSE                      Deleting of TDS documents from Archive                                .
J_1ITDSL                      Reloading of TDS documents from Archive                               .
J_1ITDSR                      Analysing of TDS Documents in Archive                                 .
J_1ITDSW                      Archiving of TDS Documents                                            .
J_1ITRANSITION_INTERFACE      Transition Interface for VAT-2003                                     .
J_1ITREG                      tds register                                                          .
J_1IUPDATE_CUSMAST            BDC for Vendor Masters                                                .
J_1IUPDATE_PO                 BDC for Purchase order's                                              .
J_1IUPDATE_VENMMAST           For Vendor Master's                                                   .
J_1I_BATCH_UTILIZATION_MODVAT Batch Utilization of CENVAT                                           .
J_1I_BDC_POST_INVOICE_OTHERMT Post Invoice : Other movements                                        .
J_1I_BOND_SUMMARY             Bond Summary Report                                                   .
J_1I_CANCEL_INVOICE           BDC program for cancellation of excise invoice                        .
J_1I_CHALLAN_UPDATE           Create Remittance Challans                                            .
J_1I_CHALLAN_UPDATE_CUST      Challan: Post (Customers)                                             .
J_1I_CUSTOMER_CERT            Enter Withholding Tax Certificate from Customer                       .
J_1I_DELETE_EXCBAL            Delete archived entries from extract and balance tables               .
J_1I_DELETE_EXDC              Deletes records from HDR, DTL, PART2 & GRXSUB  tables.                .
J_1I_DELETE_P1GRX             Delete archived records from Part1 and GRXref tables                  .
J_1I_DELETE_RG1               Delete archived data from RG1                                         .
J_1I_DELETE_RG23D             Delete the archived RG23D data                                        .
J_1I_EWT_MIS                  Withholding Tax Information System                                    .
J_1I_EXCISE_DOCUMENT_FLOW     Excise Document Flow                                                  .
J_1I_EXCISE_DUE_LIST          Billing documents: Due list for Modvat Utilization                    .
J_1I_EXPORT_REPORT            Statement Regarding Export of Excisable Goods                         .
J_1I_LICENSE_SUMMARY          Deemed Export License Summary                                         .
J_1I_QER_EFILE                Quarterly E-returns (India)                                           .
J_1I_RUNNING_BOND             Pro Forma of Running Bond Account                                     .
J_1I_TAXUPDATE_CNTRCT         Report J_1I_TAXUPDATE_CNTRCT                                          .
J_1I_TAXUPDATE_PO             Report J_1I_TAXUPDATE_PO                                              .
J_1I_WRITE_EXCBAL             Read and archive records from extract and balance tables              .
J_1I_WRITE_P1GRX              Reads the PART1 & GRXREF table and creates the archive file           .
J_1I_WRITE_RG1                Read and archives data from RG1 table                                 .
J_1I_WRITE_RG23D              Reads the RG23D  table and creates the archive file                   .
J_1SAVER                      IS-M/SD CH: Uitgavenoverzicht voor kranten                            .
J_1SBOTE                      IS-M/SD CH/S: Wijknummer bezorger bepalen                             .
J_1SBRV                       IS-M/SD CH/V: Abonnementshoevh.betaling BRV Kiosk AG                  .
J_1SCBOT                      IS-M/SD CH/S: PTT-mutaties - controle consistentie bezorgerbestand    .
J_1SCSTR                      IS-M/SD CH/S: Consistentiecontrole CH-straatanvullingen               .
J_1SESRD                      IS-M/SD CH/F: Seq. bestand vanaf PTT-ESR-gegevensdrager creëren       .
J_1SFEED                      IS-M/SD CH: Maandgegevens PTT-kostenafrekening verwijderen            .
J_1SFEEP                      IS-M/SD CH: PTT-kostenafrekening voor binnen- en buitenland           .
J_1SFEE_CALC_SWISS            IS-M/SD: Tariefcontrole porto Zwitserland                             .
J_1SFEE_STATISTICS            IS-M/SD-CH: Portoafrekeningen maandstatistieken                       .
J_1SFERA                      IS-M/SD CH/V: Interface-gegevens voor FERAG-systemen                  .
J_1SFESR                      IS-M/SD CH/F: Fact.vrijgave van via "ESR" uitgevoerde betalingen      .
J_1SFLSV                      IS-M/SD CH/F: Fact.vrijgave fact. met betaalwijze "LSV"               .
J_1SFRAG                      IS-M/SD(CH): Voorbeeldrapport voor lezen productiegegevensinterface   .
J_1SFS01                      IS-M/SD CH/V: Verzending door derden, kopieerref. inlezen seq. bestand.
J_1SFS02                      IS-M/SD CH/V: Gegevensovername en opmaak verzending door derden       .
J_1SKGS                       IS-M/SD CH: Dummygegeven districts-/gemeentecode creëren              .
J_1SKLIE                      IS-M/SD CH: Geleverde exemplaren aan KIOSK AG                         .
J_1SMABL                      IS-M/SD CH/V: Globale mutaties abonnement "" leveringssoort ""        .
J_1SMABU                      IS-M/SD CH/V: Globale mutaties abonnement "" onderbrekingen ""        .
J_1SMAHN                      IS-M/SD CH/F: Aanmanen van abonn.-fact.                               .
J_1SMALO                      ISM/SD: Reorganisatie van tabel "aangemaande facturen"                .
J_1SMBZM                      IS-M/SD CH/V: Globale mutaties reserve-exemplaren "" hoevh.mutatie "" .
J_1SMEV1                      IS-M/SD CH/V: Globale mutaties losse verkoop "" hoeveelh.mutatie 1 "" .
J_1SMEV2                      IS-M/SD CH/V: Globale mutaties losse verkoop "" hoeveelh.mutatie 1 "" .
J_1SMEVM                      IS-M/SD CH/V: Globale mutaties losse verkoop  "" hoeveelh.mutaties "" .
J_1SMEVU                      IS-M/SD CH/V: Globale mutaties losse verkoop "" onderbrekingen ""     .
J_1SMNWS                      IS-M/SD: Reorganisatie van BTW-overzichtstabel                        .
J_1SMWST                      IS-M/SD CH/F: Maandelijks af te dragen BTW-bedragen                   .
J_1SNBAL                      IS-M/SD CH/S: Postgeg.overname - splitsen totale bezorgersbestand     .
J_1SNBOT                      IS-M/SD CH/S: Postgeg.overnameprogr. voor PTT-bezorgers               .
J_1SNFIL                      IS-PSD CH/S: Tijdelijke bestanden SAP creëren                         .
J_1SNORT                      IS-M/SD CH/S: Postgeg.overnameprogr. voor plaatsen                    .
J_1SNPAL                      IS-M/SD CH/S: Overname postgegevens - totaal bestand PC splitsen      .
J_1SNPLZ                      IS-M/SD CH/S: Postgeg.overnameprogr. voor postcodes                   .
J_1SNSTR                      IS-M/SD CH/S: PTT-gegevensovernameprogr. voor straten                 .
J_1SPTT1                      IS-M/SD CH/S: PTT-evaluaties 1                                        .
J_1SPTT2                      IS-M/SD CH/S: PTT-evaluaties 2                                        .
J_1SPTT3                      IS-M/SD CH/S: PTT-evaluaties 3                                        .
J_1SPTT4                      IS-M/SD CH/S: PTT-evaluaties 4                                        .
J_1SPTT5                      IS-M/SD CH/S: PTT-evaluaties 5                                        .
J_1SUBAL                      IS-PSD CH/S: Vergelijking stratenbestand                              .
J_1SUBOT                      IS-M/SD CH/S: Mutatieprogramma voor PTT-bezorgers                     .
J_1SUFIL                      IS-M/SD CH/S: Gegevensbestand creëren op UNIX                         .
J_1SUORT                      IS-M/SD CH/S: Mutatieprogramma's voor plaatsen                        .
J_1SUPAL                      IS-PSD CH/S: Vergelijking/mutatie voor postcode en plaatsen           .
J_1SUPLZ                      IS-M/SD CH/S: Mutatieprogramma voor postcodes                         .
J_1SUSTR                      IS-M/SD CH/S: Mutatieprogramma voor straten                           .
J_1SVPC                       IS-M/SD CH/V: Kopiëren van verzendschemavariant                       .
J_1SWF00                      IS-M/SD CH/W: WEMF-dagstatistieken muteren                            .
J_1SWF01                      IS-M/SD CH/W: WEMF-jaarstatistiek creëren                             .
J_1SWF02                      IS-M/SD CH/W: WEMF-maandstatistieken muteren                          .
J_1SWF10                      IS-M/SD CH/W: Daggemiddelde WEMF-hoeveelheden                         .
J_1SZEB0                      IS-M/SD CH/V: Aanmaak seq. bestand uit PTT-nr.schema voor ZEBU-opbouw .
J_1SZEB1                      IS-M/SD CH/V: Opbouw ZEBU-bestand (ZEBU-srt) uit nummerschema van PTT .
J_1SZEB2                      IS-M/SD CH/V: Opbouw ZEBU-bestand (ZEBU-soort) uit PTT-stamgegevens   .
J_1SZEBC                      IS-M/SD CH/V: Kopiëren ZEBU-gegevens Zwitserland (nieuwe ZEBU-soort)  .
J_1SZEBN                      IS-M/SD CH/V: Weergave nummerschema voor bundel- en zaksamenstelling  .
J_1SZEBP                      IS-M/SD CH/V: Controle postcodes "-" ZEBU-gegevens                    .
J_1SZSIM                      IS-M/SD CH/S: Selectieparameters voor ZUVO-simulatie                  .
J_1SZUVO                      IS-M/SD CH/S: Selectieparameter voor portefeuille ZUVO-interface      .
J_2IRAP1                      Print RG23A PART1 register                                            .
J_2IRAP2                      Print RG23A PARTII register                                           .
J_2IRCP1                      Print RG23C Part I register                                           .
J_2IRCP2                      Print RG23C PARTII register                                           .
J_2IREDT                      Report for Extraction Dates for Registers                             .
J_2IREXT                      Excise Registers Extraction                                           .
J_2IRG23                      Print RG23D register                                                  .
J_2IRPLA                      Print PLA register                                                    .
J_2IRPUT                      Print Excise Registers                                                .
J_2IRRG1                      Print RG1 register                                                    .
J_2IRTN                       RT-12 New Format                                                      .
J_3G4900                      ETM: afrekening                                                       .
J_3G4910                      Bouwplaatsvoorraadwaarde                                              .
J_3G4920                      Totale kosten equipment                                               .
J_3GABES                      Voorraadlijst 'Huidige voorraad'                                      .
J_3GARCA                      Lijst uit spool weergeven                                             .
J_3GARCH                      ETM: Gearchiveerde lijsten weergeven                                  .
J_3GBAUB                      Voorraadlocatie                                                       .
J_3GBAUB_N                    Voorraad inzetplaats (ALV)                                            .
J_3GBBEW                      Locatiebewegingen                                                     .
J_3GBBEW_N                    Inzetplaatsbewegingen (ALV)                                           .
J_3GBELEG_KONVERT             Verschillende velden in J_3GBELP converteren                          .
J_3GBEST                      Voorraadlijst 'Historische voorraden'                                 .
J_3GCOAN                      ETM: Analyse CO-objectbepaling                                        .
J_3GCOFIM                     Conversie soort verrekening in tabellen J_3GCOFIX/J_3GUMLENK          .
J_3GEIGN                      Lijst eigenaars/beheerders met lijsttool afdrukken                    .
J_3GEMPR                      Ontvanger/standaard-/dummyontv. afr.-relevantie enz. controleren      .
J_3GINDX                      Input verkooporders archief nabewerkingsgegevens                      .
J_3GINNA                      Input verkooporders nabewerking                                       .
J_3GINSD                      Invoer ETM-klantorders met jobsplitsing in SD                         .
J_3GINVC                      Invoer ETM-klantorders met jobsplitsing in SD                         .
J_3GINVC_RESCUE               Hulp bij bijzonderheden van ETM-SD-afrekening                         .
J_3GINVD                      Input verkooporders (test) job afhankelijke documenten uit J_3GINVC   .
J_3GINVI                      Input verkooporders (test) jobs onafhankelijke documenten uit J_3GINVC.
J_3GKALK                      Vrijgavelijst                                                         .
J_3GKALL                      Vrijgavelijst & &                                                     .
J_3GKALX                      Scherm voor visualisatie kalender vanuit condities                    .
J_3GLGBA                      EOP-documenten weergeven                                              .
J_3GLGBB                      Lijst EOP-documenten                                                  .
J_3GLGBL                      Lijst ingevoerde EOP-documenten                                       .
J_3GLGBN                      Urenevaluatie EOP                                                     .
J_3GLKAE                      Rapport voor weergave van fouten bij vullen EOP-verslagen             .
J_3GLKAL                      EOP-gebruiksoverzicht                                                 .
J_3GPAKET1                    Pakketlijst                                                           .
J_3GPAKET2                    Gebruiksinformatie equipment in pakketten                             .
J_3GPAKET3                    Gebruiksinformatie artikel in pakketten                               .
J_3GVBAU                      In J_3GZVBAP opgeslagen CEM-gegevens SD-orders in rel. 4.0 overnemen  .
J_3GVBRPINS                   ETM-gegevens vanuit J_3GVBRP_Z in VBRP/J_3GVBRP overnemen             .
J_3GVEDA                      Lijst van verzekeringsgegevens                                        .
J_3GVERB                      Verzenddocument afdrukken                                             .
J_3GVERS                      Lijst van verzekeringsgegevens                                        .
J_3GWKAT                      Catalogusstructuur weergeven                                          .
J_3RCALD                      Automatic Clearing, Accounts Receivable (Russia)                      .
J_3RCALK                      Automatic Clearing, Accounts Payable (Russia)                         .
J_3RCREV                      Clear Reversed Invoices (Russia)                                      .
J_3RFANKA_MIGRATION           Migration tools for the tables J_3RFANKA & J_3RNKSACTION              .
J_3RFASSET_MIGRATION          Migration toos for asset Russia                                       .
J_3RFBS5                      Balance Sheet Supplement N5, FI-AA (Russia)                           .
J_3RFCASH15                   Cash Journal Reports (Russia)                                         .
J_3RFDSLD                     Customer Turnover Balance Sheet (Russia)                              .
J_3RFFORM4                    Cash Flow Statement (Russia)                                          .
J_3RFFORM4_VERSEDIT           Define Cash Flow Statement Versions                                   .
J_3RFIAA_GETALNCV             Report J_3RFIAA_GETALNCV                                              .
J_3RFKORDR2_A                 Print Program: Cash Documents                                         .
J_3RFKORKO_PDF                Print programm for incoming and outgoing cash orders                  .
J_3RFKSLD                     Vendor Turnover Balance Sheet (Russia)                                .
J_3RFMONPTAX                  Asset values for property tax from logical database ADA               .
J_3RFOS6                      Fixed Assets Inventory Cards (Russia)                                 .
J_3RFPCR                      Vendor Payment Analysis (Russia)                                      .
J_3RFPDE                      Customer Payment Analysis (Russia)                                    .
J_3RFPROPTAX                  Property Tax Report (Russia)                                          .
J_3RFREVAL                    Fixed Assets Revaluation (Russia)                                     .
J_3RFREVSTOR                  Reversal of Revaluation Documents (Russia)                            .
J_3RFT53A                     Form T-53A (Russia)                                                   .
J_3RFTAX_AMTEST               Profit Tax Depreciation Report (Russia)                               .
J_3RFTAX_FINREZ_LIST          Gains and Losses on Retirements (Russia)                              .
J_3RFUM26                     Secondary Events (Russia)                                             .
J_3RFZDB_PDF                  Print Payment Orders (Russia)                                         .
J_3RFZKR_PDF                  Print Payment Orders (Russia)                                         .
J_3RF_ASD                     Customer Balance Notification (Russia)                                .
J_3RF_ASK                     Vendor Balance Notification (Russia)                                  .
J_3RF_ASSET_VALUE             Get asset values for OS-6 and NMA-1                                   .
J_3RF_BUY_BOOK_03             Purchase Ledger (Russia)                                              .
J_3RF_DEFTAX_MIGRATION        Program J_3RF_DEFTAX_MIGRATION                                        .
J_3RF_DEPRBONUS               Depreciation Bonus Calculation (Russia)                               .
J_3RF_INV_A                   Print programm for FI invoice (Adobe)                                 .
J_3RF_INV_TARG_PERIOD         Redetermination of Invoices for APC (Russia)                          .
J_3RF_NKS_PIR                 Verification of Additional Costs for Assets (Russia)                  .
J_3RF_NKS_REGISTR             Verification of Asset Registration (Russia)                           .
J_3RF_NKS_STARTUP             Verification of Invoice Items Related to Capitalized Assets (Russia)  .
J_3RF_NKS_TAX                 Validation of Goods Issues (Russia)                                   .
J_3RF_PBU18_FIAA_MOVE_ANLP    Report J_3RF_PBU18_FIAA_MOVE_ANLP                                     .
J_3RF_PBU18_FIAA_TIME_ANLZ    Report J_3RF_PBU18_FIAA_TIME_ANLZ                                     .
J_3RF_PBU18_FIAA_UTILITY_2    Report J_3RF_PBU18_FIAA_UTILITY_2                                     .
J_3RF_PB_DEL                  Archivierung Flugbuchungen: Beispiellöschprogramm (ADK Archivierung)  .
J_3RF_PB_WRI                  Archivierung Flugbuchungen: Beispielschreibprogramm (ADK Archivierung).
J_3RF_REGINV_D                Customer Invoice Journal (Russia)                                     .
J_3RF_REGINV_K                Vendor Invoice Journal (Russia)                                       .
J_3RF_RNUM_PB                 Removal of numbers of lines Purchase Ledger (J_3RF_BUY_BOOK_03)       .
J_3RF_SELL_BOOK_02            Sales Ledger (Russia)                                                 .
J_3RF_SFORM_SB                Printing Smart form for Sales ledger report                           .
J_3RF_STORNO_AB08             Report J_3RF_STORNO_AB08                                              .
J_3RF_TAX_BUILDROLLUP         Hierarchy rollup creation                                             .
J_3RF_TAX_CESSION             Report J_3RF_TAX_CESSION                                              .
J_3RF_TAX_CHAIN               Run Allocation Chain                                                  .
J_3RF_TAX_CREATESETTINGS      Tax accounting customizing creation                                   .
J_3RF_TAX_DDR                 Provision for Doubtful Receivables                                    .
J_3RF_TAX_DEFERRALS           Report J_3RF_TAX_DEFERRALS                                            .
J_3RF_TAX_DELDATA             Delete FI-SL Documents                                                .
J_3RF_TAX_EDITGROUPS          Service report                                                        .
J_3RF_TAX_EDITOBJLIST         Tax Object List Editor                                                .
J_3RF_TAX_EDIT_CHAIN          Edit tax chain                                                        .
J_3RF_TAX_EXECUTE_CHAIN       Execute tax chain                                                     .
J_3RF_TAX_EXECUTE_ROLLUP      Execute single rollup                                                 .
J_3RF_TAX_JOURNAL             Tax Journal                                                           .
J_3RF_TAX_LIST_ACC            List hierarchy accounts                                               .
J_3RF_TAX_MAINTENANCE         Report J_3RF_TAX_MAINTENANCE                                          .
J_3RF_TAX_PBU18_DATA_POST     Report J_3RF_TAX_PBU18_DATA_POST                                      .
J_3RF_TAX_PBU18_DATA_TRANS    Report J_3RF_TAX_PBU18_DATA_TRANS                                     .
J_3RF_TAX_REPORT              Profit Tax Reporting                                                  .
J_3RF_TAX_TRANSPORT           Tax hierarchy transport                                               .
J_3RF_TAX_UNCLASS             Unclassified transactions listing                                     .
J_3RKLDK                      Defined correspondense documents List                                 .
J_3RKORRAVI                   Register of Amounts Posted to G/L Accounts (Russia)                   .
J_3RKORRGLK                   General Ledger Report (Russia)                                        .
J_3RKORROBS                   Account Balance Comparsison (Russia)                                  .
J_3RKORROBX                   Account Balance Comparison (Russia)                                   .
J_3RKORRREP                   Account Balances, Local Currency (Russia)                             .
J_3RKORRRVL                   Account Balances, Foreign Currency (Russia)                           .
J_3RKORRSC0                   Unprocessed Accounting Documents (Russia)                             .
J_3RKORRSSP                   Automatic Offsetting Account Determination (Russia)                   .
J_3RK_ARCH_DELETE             Arciving J_3RKKRS: Delete program                                     .
J_3RK_ARCH_S_DELETE           Arciving J_3RKKRS: Delete program                                     .
J_3RK_ARCH_S_WRITE            Archiving J_3RKKRS : Write Program                                    .
J_3RK_ARCH_WRITE              Archiving J_3RKKRS : Write Program                                    .
J_3RM11_RES_PDF               M-11 note on reservation documents                                    .
J_3RMOBVED                    Stock Overview (Russia)                                               .
J_3RSINVOICE                  Create Secondary Events for Exports (Russia)                          .
J_3RTAX21                     VAT Returns (Russia)                                                  .
J_3RTAX21_07                  VAT Returns (Russia)                                                  .
J_3RTAXTEST                   Test program for VAT declaration                                      .
J_3RTSEMAINT                  Program J_3RTSEMAINT                                                  .
J_3RTUPD                      Transport Tax Recalculation for Retired Vehicles (Russia)             .
J_3RTVEH                      Transport Tax Report (Russia)                                         .
J_3R_FATAX_ALV01              Asset Taxes (Russia)                                                  .
J_3R_FATAX_DELETE             Tax Document Archiving: Delete Program (Russia)                       .
J_3R_FATAX_WRITE              Tax Document Archiving: Write Program (Russia)                        .
J_3R_IC_FM_CHECK              Check New Version of Inventory Card                                   .
J_3R_LF_AO1                   Advance Report (Russia)                                               .
J_3R_LF_FILL_SETTING          GS/GCC8 - AddReqRu - Fill setting                                     .
J_3R_LF_FORM_GENERATOR        Form Generator Program for AddReq Russia Legal Forms                  .
J_3R_LF_INV11                 Prepaid Expenses Inventory (Russia)                                   .
J_3R_LF_INV18                 Difference List for Fixed Assets                                      .
J_3R_LF_INV1_1A               Inventory List of Fixed and Intangible Assets                         .
J_3R_LF_INV3_19               Physical Inventory (Russia)                                           .
J_3R_LF_NPOSTR                Report J_3R_LF_NPOSTR                                                 .
J_3R_LF_OS                    Asset Legal Forms (Russia)                                            .
J_3R_LF_TORG10                Bill of Lading (Russia)                                               .
J_3R_PDF_TEST                 Report J_3R_PDF_TEST                                                  .
J_3R_PTAX_CALC                Property Tax Calculation (Russia)                                     .
J_3R_PTAX_DECL                Property Tax Return (Russia)                                          .
J_3R_TTAX_CALC                Transport Tax Calculation (Russia)                                    .
J_3R_TTAX_DECL                Transport Tax Return (Russia)                                         .
J_CL_BALANCE_SHEET            Balance Sheet for Tax Purposes (Chile)                                .
J_CL_MATERIAL_LEDGER          Material Ledger (Chile)                                               .
*** End-of-List ***
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last update: Sun, 21/03/10 14:11:07
