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Translated & titled SAP®-Functions beginning with ...:  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X

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Explanation for columns M, R und S:
M (Modus) : J = JAVA module callable from ABAP, K = Remote enabled JAVA module, R = Remote enabled module
R (Remote-module) : 1 = Start immediately, 2 = Start delayed, 3 = Start immediately - no restart, 4 = Start immediately, 5 = Collective run
S (Status "free") : X = released
功能                                  M R S  头衔                                                          

F4UT_SUBSHLP_CHOOSE                * * *X* 选择低级搜索帮助的标准搜索帮助退出
FACTORYDATE_CONVERT_TO_DATE        *R* *X* 根据一个工厂日历日期返回的日期
FAKTBELEG_WRITE_DOCUMENT           * *2* * ===< FAKTBELEG Object, Generated by Program RSSCD000
FASU_APPL_V_FILL_VALUES            * * * * ASU: Variants: Fill values into variants
FASU_APPL_V_GET_NEW_REPORTNAME     * * * * ASU: Variants: Determine new report name
FASU_R_END_LOG                     * * * * ASU: End log-entry for current run
FASU_R_GET_LOG                     * * * * ASU: Get log-entry for current run (report)
FASU_R_WRITE_LOG                   * * * * ASU: Write log-entry for current run
FASU_T_CHECK_RELEASE               * * * * ASU: Variants: Check if report is necessary for release
FASU_T_MAINTAIN_REPORT_LIST        * * * * ASU: Maintain report list for repair toolbox
FASU_V_AUTHORITY_CHECK             * * * * ASU: Check authority for current action
FASU_V_END_LOG                     * * * * ASU: End log-entry for current run
FASU_V_GET_LOG                     * * * * ASU: Get log-entry for current run
FASU_V_WRITE_LOG                   * * * * ASU: Write log-entry for current run
FB_TEST                            * * * * 测试
FHMSTAMM_WRITE_DOCUMENT            * *2* * ===< Object FHMSTAMM  , generated by program RSSCD000
FIAA_CHECK_HISTORYSHEET            * * * * 检查资产历史清单版本的完成
FILE_GET_NAME                      * * *X* 从逻辑文件名中得出与平台有关的物理文件名
FI_1A_SET_DEFAULTS_GI              * * * * 在文件行项目设置总收入税字段的缺省值
FI_CHECK_VALUES_GROSS_INC_TAX      * * * * 查看毛收入税务屏幕域的输入
FI_CUST_AUTHORITY_CHECK            * * * * 授权检查
FMAVC_CALL_DERIVATION_TOLPROF      * * * * Derive control object using environment for strategy ID AFMA
FORMAT_TEXTLINES                   * * * * SAPscript: format lines
FUNCTION_INCLUDE_CONCATENATE       * * *X* 连接一个功能组的生成包含
FUNCTION_INCLUDE_SPLIT             * * *X* 获得函数模块和包含属于函数组的模块
*** End-of-List ***

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