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报表                            头衔                                                                     

JBD_CHGPTR_DELETE             删除处理的更改标识
JBD_CHGPTR_MONITOR            更改指针监控
JBD_CHGRELCUST                更改相关性的客户定制化
JBD_CPIL_BP                   最初下载;业务合作伙伴
JBD_CPIL_COLL                 最初下载: 抵押资产
JBD_CPIL_CP                   最初下载:商业票据
JBD_CPIL_DETR                 最初下载:衍生工具清单
JBD_CPIL_FCTY                 最初下载:设备
JBD_CPIL_FP                   初始下载: 证券主数据
JBD_CPIL_FTD                  最初下载:定期贷款
JBD_CPIL_FX                   最初下载:外汇兑换
JBD_CPIL_GETR                 最初下载:普通业务
JBD_CPIL_LIMIT                最初下载:限额
JBD_CPIL_LOAN                 最初下载:贷款
JBD_CPIL_MD_FX                最初下载:兑换率
JBD_CPIL_MD_IR                最初下载:参考利息率
JBD_CPIL_MD_IX                最初下载:指数价格
JBD_CPIL_MD_SE                最初下载:证券价格
JBD_CPIL_MD_VOFX              初始下载: 货币变动
JBD_CPIL_MD_VOIR              初始下载: 利率变动
JBD_CPIL_MD_VOIX              初始下载: 证券价格变动
JBD_CPIL_MD_VOSE              初始下载: 证券价格变动
JBD_CPIL_POS_DETR             最初下载;清单衍生工具的头寸
JBD_CPIL_POS_FX               最初下载:外汇兑换业务的头寸
JBD_CPIL_POS_SETR             最初下载:证券订单的头寸
JBD_CPIL_POS_VC               最初下载:头寸更改
JBD_CPIL_REL                  初始下载:业务合作伙伴关系
JBD_CPIL_SETR                 最初下载:证券订单
JBD_CPIL_VATR                 最初下载:可变业务
JBD_EXPACTCUST                导出: 客户定制化
JBD_EXPORT                    提取程序
JBD_EXPRELCUST                导出相关性客户定制化
JBR_DEL_JBROZ                 程序 JBR_DEL_JBROZ
JBR_DIAG_JBROZ                程序 JBR_DEL_JBROZ
JBR_SFGDT_TOOL                Program JBR_SFGDT_TOOL
JBR_SFGDT_TOOL_EXPORTS        Export Risk Objects in Multiple File
JBVTDELE0                     可变事务: 删除
J_1AA001                      资产重估(通货膨胀)
J_1AAINFL_REVERSE             冲销多重资产重估凭证
J_1AAINFO_01                  资产重估明细
J_1AALG1                      重置资产重估(通货膨胀)日志
J_1AAP01                      资产重估(通货膨胀)-平行会话
J_1ACKMI                      随后填充发票的索引表格 (市场价格决定)
J_1ACONV                      转换物料主文件通胀数据 (分开估值物料)
J_1AF004                      简要凭证日记帐
J_1AF007                      文件打印(没有付款)
J_1AF011                      付款通知(应收款)
J_1AF012                      付款通知(应付款)
J_1AF014                      自保留
J_1AF016                      保留和发生 - RG 4110
J_1AF018                      磁性支持的毛收入发生
J_1AF026                      预付社会保险
J_1AF027                      用磁盘介质交换数据
J_1AF029                      增强税务记录
J_1AF102                      银行和现金帐户的每日报表
J_1AF103                      删除每日报表的历史数据
J_1AF108                      毛收入申报
J_1AF109                      多边协议系数
J_1AF205                      Daily VAT Report
J_1AF217                      Important Transactions Cross Check C.I.T.I. RG 781/2000
J_1AFCIDIS                    Credit Invoice List
J_1AFONR                      Printing of the last official documents numbers assigned
J_1AIDX1                      替换成本评估
J_1AINFD                      本币计的未清应收款的通货膨胀调整
J_1AINFG                      总帐科目的通货膨胀调整
J_1AINFK                      本币计的未清应付款的通货膨胀调整
J_1AINFR                      更改上次调整日期
J_1AINFW                      外币中未清项目的通货膨胀调整
J_1AKON1                      预提条件的动态生成
J_1AKON2                      预提条件的动态删除
J_1AMCIP                      替换成本评估
J_1AMGIP                      替换成本评价(出货重估)
J_1AMGMC                      重置成本评估 (哥伦比亚)
J_1AMLBS                      显示仓库库存
J_1ARCVM                      替代成本评价 (决定市价)
J_1ARDISC                     反冲现金折扣文件包括未结项目
J_1BCFOP_MIGRATE              Migrate CFOP codes to versioned CFOP codes
J_1BFB02                      用于更新银行报表上等未结项目
J_1BLB01                      Registro de Entradas (Mod.1) + Lista de C骴igos de Emitentes (Mod.10)
J_1BLB02                      Registro de Sa韉as (Modelo 2)
J_1BLB03                      Registro de Controle da Produ玢o e do Estoque (Modelo 3)
J_1BLB07                      Modelo 7
J_1BLB07_30F                  Physical Inventory Overview
J_1BLB07_NEW                  Physical Inventory Overview (Brazil)
J_1BLB08                      Registro de Apura玢o do IPI (Modelo 8)
J_1BLB09                      Registro de Apura玢o do ICMS (Modelo 9)
J_1BLB12                      Listagem de Opera珲es Interestaduais (Modelo 12)
J_1BLBIS                      Registro de Apura玢o do ISS
J_1BLFA1                      Arquivo Magn閠ico / Conv阯io ICMS 96/97 (former Conv. 57/95; 75/96)
J_1BLFA1_OLD                  File as Per Law ICMS 131/97
J_1BLFB1                      IN68: Cadastros, 文件和表
J_1BLFB10                     IN68: Accounting-Related File 1.2 (Balances)
J_1BLFB2                      IN68: Cadastros
J_1BLFB3                      IN68: 文件 - Nota相关财务
J_1BLFB4                      IN68: 表
J_1BLFB5                      IN68: 文件-有关会计
J_1BLFB6A                     IN68: File 4.1 - Material Movements
J_1BLFB6B                     IN68: Files - Material Inventory
J_1BLFB7                      IN68: Dateien - St點kliste
J_1BLFB8                      IN68: Files - asset accounting
J_1BLFB9                      IN68: Vendor/Customer Data
J_1BLFC1                      IN86: Cadastros, Files and Tabelas
J_1BLFC10                     IN86: Cadastros (File 4.9.1)
J_1BLFC11                     IN86: Tabelas (4.9.2-4.9.7)
J_1BLFC12                     IN86: Foreign Trade File Outgoing/Incoming (4.4.1/4.4.2)
J_1BLFC3                      IN68: Accounting-Related File 1.2 (Balances)
J_1BLFC4                      IN68: Vendor/Customer Data
J_1BLFC5                      IN86: Nota Fiscal-Related Files
J_1BLFC6                      IN86: Material Movements (File 4.5.1)
J_1BLFC7                      IN68: Material Inventory (File 4.5.2)
J_1BLFC8                      IN86: Bills of Material (BOM) (File 4.6.1)
J_1BLFC9                      IN86: Asset Accounting-Related File (File 4.7.1)
J_1BLFD1                      IN359 - Magnetic File of Notas Fisca韘
J_1BLFDI                      DIRF
J_1BLFZF                      Issued Notas Fiscais
J_1BNFAD                      Archiving of Notas Fiscais: Deletion Program
J_1BNFAR                      Archiving of Notas Fiscais: Reload Program
J_1BNFAW                      Archiving of Notas Fiscais: Write Program
J_1BPOSDB                     POS-Database (Brazilian)
J_1B_CHECK_CBT                Program J_1B_CHECK_CBT
J_1B_EXT_ACC_SEQ              Transfer Customizing of Tax Groups to  Access Sequences
J_1B_GEN_TAX_COND_BACK        Generate Condition Records For Brazilian Tax Table Entries
J_1HDTAX                      Transfer Deferred Tax (Thailand)
J_1HKORD                      Print Program: Document Extract
J_1HSPIR                      Free Spare Part Issue Report for Warranty Product
J_1HSTCD                      Stock card and Inventory material report
J_1HSTKV                      Inventory and raw material for special stock report
J_1I57AE                      Proforma For Monthly Return Under Rule 57AE of the Central Excise Rule
J_1I57F1                      57F4 EXPECTED
J_1I57FP                      57F4 SAPSCRIPT DRIVING PROGRAM
J_1ICAPG                      Capital Goods Tranfer Of Credit
J_1ICHLN                      TDS Challan Update:  Classic
J_1ICWIZ                      CIN - Health Check
J_1IDEPOTSTOCK1               Display of Depot Stock
J_1IDEPOT_VAL                 Depot Stock Valuation for Excise
J_1IDNLD                      Download Register Data
J_1IDOCLIST                   List of Subcontracting Challans
J_1IEWT_26A                   Annual returns for 194a
J_1IEWT_26C                   Annual Return For Section 194C
J_1IEWT_26D                   Annual Return for Section 194D
J_1IEWT_26H                   Annual returns for 194H
J_1IEWT_26I                   Annual Return for Section 194I
J_1IEWT_26J                   Annual Return for Section 194J
J_1IEWT_ANN_RET               Annual Returns
J_1IEWT_BANK_UPDATE           Bank Challan Update
J_1IEWT_CERT                  Print Withholding Tax Certificates for Vendors
J_1IEWT_CERT_CANC             Cancel Vendor Withholding Tax Certificates
J_1IEWT_CERT_CUST             Print Withholding Tax Certificates for Customers
J_1IEWT_CERT_REPRINT          Reprint Vendor Withholding Tax Certificates
J_1IEWT_HEALTH_CHECK          Health Check  for Migration to EWT
J_1IEWT_MIGRATE               Data Migration Tool from Classic to Extended withholding tax
J_1IEWT_MIGRATE_SECCO         Customizing Migration from Business Place to Section Code - India
J_1IEWT_PROVISIONS            Provisions for Taxes on Services Received
J_1IEWT_PROV_UTILISE          Clear Provisions on Taxes for Services Received
J_1IEWT_UPDATE_FI_FOR_BUPLA   Update Business Place information in FI document
J_1IEXCP_BILLS                List of Excise invoices for which Billing is cancelled
J_1IEXCP_GR1                  Exception Reporting: List of GR's where Gate Pass not yet received
J_1IEXQR                      Excise Invoice Query
J_1IF26A                      Annual returns for 194a
J_1IF26C                      Annual Return For Section 194C
J_1IF26D                      Annual Return for Section 194D
J_1IF26I                      Annual Return for Section 194I
J_1IF26J                      Annual Return for Section 194J
J_1IHBKD                      Copy Housebank ID from Invoice to TDS-Document
J_1IICHK                      Check Balances Before Utilisation For a Range of Billing Documents
J_1IITDEP                     Year-End Income Tax Depreciation Report (India)
J_1IJCHK                      RG23D Batch Selection
J_1IMODF                      Cenvat Forecast
J_1IPRNE                      Printout of Excise Invoices
J_1IPRNE_OUTPUT               Excise invoice printing
J_1IREGSN                     Update of Registers RG 1 and RG 23 (Part I)
J_1IRTRO                      Retrospective price update on Sales and Purchase orders
J_1IRUTZ                      Fortnight Utilization of CENVAT
J_1IST3                       Annual Returns for Service tax credited to the GOvt.  Form ST-3.
J_1ISTAX                      Sales Tax Register
J_1ISTCH                      Challan updation Program
J_1ITD04                      TDS Certificate Reprint
J_1ITD05                      Cancel - TDS Certificate
J_1ITDS2                      Tax Deduction at Source: Classic
J_1ITDS3                      TDS Certificate
J_1ITDS6                      TDS Certificate-  One Time Vendors
J_1ITDSE                      Deleting of TDS documents from Archive
J_1ITDSL                      Reloading of TDS documents from Archive
J_1ITDSR                      Analysing of TDS Documents in Archive
J_1ITDSW                      Archiving of TDS Documents
J_1ITRANSITION_INTERFACE      Transition Interface for VAT-2003
J_1ITREG                      tds register
J_1IUPDATE_CUSMAST            BDC for Vendor Masters
J_1IUPDATE_PO                 BDC for Purchase order's
J_1IUPDATE_VENMMAST           For Vendor Master's
J_1I_BDC_POST_INVOICE_OTHERMT Post Invoice : Other movements
J_1I_BOND_SUMMARY             Bond Summary Report
J_1I_CANCEL_INVOICE           BDC program for cancellation of excise invoice
J_1I_CHALLAN_UPDATE           Create Remittance Challans
J_1I_CHALLAN_UPDATE_CUST      Challan: Post (Customers)
J_1I_CUSTOMER_CERT            Enter Withholding Tax Certificate from Customer
J_1I_EWT_MIS                  Withholding Tax Information System
J_1I_EXCISE_DOCUMENT_FLOW     Excise Document Flow
J_1I_EXCISE_DUE_LIST          Billing documents: Due list for Modvat Utilization
J_1I_EXPORT_REPORT            Statement Regarding Export of Excisable Goods
J_1I_LICENSE_SUMMARY          Deemed Export License Summary
J_1I_RUNNING_BOND             Pro Forma of Running Bond Account
J_2IRAP1                      Print RG23A PART1 register
J_2IRAP2                      Print RG23A PARTII register
J_2IRCP1                      Print RG23C Part I register
J_2IRCP2                      Print RG23C PARTII register
J_2IREDT                      Report for Extraction Dates for Registers
J_2IREXT                      Excise Registers Extraction
J_2IRG23                      Print RG23D register
J_2IRPLA                      Print PLA register
J_2IRPUT                      Print Excise Registers
J_2IRRG1                      Print RG1 register
J_2IRTN                       RT-12 New Format
J_3G4900                      CEM 结算
J_3G4910                      建筑地点库存值
J_3G4920                      总设备成本
J_3GABES                      库存清单 "当前库存"
J_3GARCA                      从假脱机显示清单
J_3GARCH                      CEM - 显示归档的清单
J_3GBAUB                      位置库存
J_3GBAUB_N                    位置库存 (ALV)
J_3GBBEW                      建筑工地之间移动
J_3GBBEW_N                    位置间移动 ( ALV )
J_3GBELEG_KONVERT             转换J_3GBELP中多种字段
J_3GBEST                      库存清单 "历史库存"
J_3GCOAN                      ETM: CO对象确定的分析
J_3GCOFIM                     在表 J_3GCOFIX/J_3GUMLENK 中结算类型的转换
J_3GEIGN                      用清单工具打印所有人/管理员清单
J_3GEMPR                      检查接收者/标准和虚拟接收者结算相关性等
J_3GINDX                      输入销售订单后处理数据归档
J_3GINNA                      输入销售订单后处理
J_3GINSD                      在 SD 中输入带作业分割的 EMT 销售订单
J_3GINVC                      在 SD 中输入带作业分割的 EMT 销售订单
J_3GINVC_RESCUE               ETM 销售和分销结算的特殊特征的帮助
J_3GINVD                      输入相关凭证自 J_3GINVC 的销售订单 (测试) 作业
J_3GINVI                      输入自 J_3GINVC 的不相关凭证的销售订单 (测试) 作业
J_3GKALK                      发布清单
J_3GKALL                      发布清单 & &
J_3GKALX                      显示条件的日历显示
J_3GLGBA                      显示基于性能的设备凭证
J_3GLGBB                      PBE 凭证清单
J_3GLGBL                      已创建PBE凭证的清单
J_3GLGBN                      基于性能设备的小时估算
J_3GLKAE                      填充PBE报表时显示错误的报表
J_3GLKAL                      基于性能设备的填料日历
J_3GPAKET1                    包清单
J_3GPAKET2                    包中设备的使用位置清单
J_3GPAKET3                    包中物料的使用位置清单
J_3GVBAU                      设备和工具管理数据的传输存储在 J_3GZVBAP, 销售和分销订单在版本 4.0
J_3GVBRPINS                   设备和工具管理数据自 J_3GVBRP_Z 传输到 VBRP/J_3GVBRP
J_3GVEDA                      保险数据的清单
J_3GVERB                      打印装运凭证
J_3GVERS                      保险数据的清单
J_3GWKAT                      显示目录结构
*** End-of-List ***

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